[chuck-users] Urgent shot in the dark -- Audible clicks when spawning shreds when SndBuf reads from disk

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 12:09:14 EST 2009

 Here you go. I think this is what you need. WvIn seems quite simplistic
compared to SndBuf. I can't really see why anyone would use it.


[ugen]: SndBuf

   - sound buffer ( now interpolating )
   - reads from a variety of file formats
   - see examples:

 *(control parameters)*

   - *.read* - ( string , WRITE only ) - loads file for reading
   - *.chunks - ( int, READ/WRITE ) - size of chunk (# of frames) to read
   on-demand; 0 implies entire file, default; must be set before reading to
   take effect.*
   - *.samples* - ( int , READ only ) - get number of samples
   - *.length* - ( dur, READ only ) - get length as duration
   - *.channels* - ( int , READ only ) - get number of channels
   - *.pos* - ( int , READ/WRITE ) - set position ( 0 < p < .samples )
   - *.rate* - ( float , READ/WRITE ) - set/get playback rate ( relative to
   file's natural speed )
   - *.interp* - ( int , READ/WRITE ) - set/get interpolation ( 0=drop,
   1=linear, 2=sinc )
   - *.loop* - ( int , READ/WRITE ) - toggle looping
   - *.freq* - ( float , READ/WRITE ) - set/get loop rate ( file loops /
   second )
   - *.phase* - ( float , READ/WRITE ) - set/get phase position ( 0-1 )
   - *.channel* - ( int , READ/WRITE ) - sel/get channel ( 0 < p < .channels
   - *.phaseOffset* - ( float , READ/WRITE ) - set/get a phase offset
   - *.write* - ( string , WRITE only ) - loads a file for writing ( or not
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