[chuck-users] Passing classes to functions

Hans Aberg haberg at math.su.se
Sun Oct 4 02:57:12 EDT 2009

On 4 Oct 2009, at 02:21, Adam Tindale wrote:

> This is a more direct version of what I meant to say. The problem I
> encountered was that I was hoping to do some operations in a function
> and was hoping that I was passing a copy of an object, much like what
> happens with primitives. Since objects pass by reference then weird
> side effects and bugs can easily creep into a fellow ChucKist's code.

Yes, that is one side effect of it: side effects. The reference  
objects reference the same object on the heap, also when passed into a  

> Anyways, I hope this example is more clear.
> --art
> class test{
>    0 => int val;
> }
> test obj1;
> <<< obj1.val , "original object">>>;
> fun void testclasspassing(test i)
> {
>    4 => i.val;
>    <<< i.val, "in function" >>>;
>    // side effect!
> }
> testclasspassing(obj1);
> <<< obj1.val , "original object">>>;

So one way to think about it, is that this is the same as C/C++
   void fun void testclasspassing(test* i) {
     4 => i->val;
     <<< i->val, "in function" >>>;
     // side effect!
which in C++ can also be written as
   fun void testclasspassing(test& i)
     4 => i.val;
     <<< i.val, "in function" >>>;
     // side effect!
only that in chuck, the extra reference symbols are hidden away by the  
implementation of the reference object.

So when mutating the object within the function, as it is a reference  
to an object on the heap, it will be mutated there too.

By contrast, when one has a copy over type, a copy will be made, which  
will placed in the function stack. So when changing that within the  
function, that is a copy, and not the original object.


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