[chuck-users] Question about unit analyzers

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 19:47:26 EDT 2009


> I'm running version (dracula) under Xandros Linux. It seems to
> be installed properly, I can run other sample programs using Ugens,
> read/write audio data, etc. It just seems to be the UA's that aren't
> working. Any suggestions?

I think you are going to have to build

This is the latest and far better than (see the VERSIONS
file). I wouldn't go with anything earlier on Linux now as the latest
version -amongst other things- fixed issues in compatibility with
newer GCC versions that are more strict about C++ syntax. Not sure
about how aggressive Xandros is with pushing new GCC versions through
but this was starting to cause real issues with some distro's already.

Hope that helps,

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