[chuck-users] timestamp (Gonzalo)

Perry R Cook prc at CS.Princeton.EDU
Sat Dec 6 18:01:43 EST 2014

One way to do it would be to pass it in
as an argument or other when you run ChucK.
This example uses stdin to read the output
of a <date> command in the shell:

// TestDate.ck  Perry R. Cook, Dec. 2014
ConsoleInput stdin;     // gonna read from here
stdin.prompt("") => now; // wait until something comes in
string datetime; // date and time
string datetimenow; // plus time since chuck invoked tacked on
while (stdin.more())  {  stdin.getLine() => datetime;  } // read input
datetime.setCharAt(9,'-'); // replace time string colons
datetime.setCharAt(12,'-'); // with dashes instead
datetime+"-"+Std.ftoa(now/second,4) => datetimenow; // tack on time since chuck invoked
<<< datetimenow >>>;
// If you want to continue making updated unique
// strings, just keep redoing the datetimenow line
1.5*second => now;
datetime+"-"+Std.ftoa(now/second,4) => datetimenow; // tack on time since chuck invoked
<<< datetimenow >>>;

To use this:

date +"%m%d%y-%T" | chuck TestDate.ck

Outputs (date-H-M-S-now):

"120614-15-00-09-0.0000" : (string)
"120614-15-00-09-1.5000" : (string)

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