[chuck-users] optimize memory usage when calling a large number of functions

Jean Menezes da Rocha jean at menezesdarocha.info
Thu Oct 15 19:57:26 EDT 2015


I am writing a program that stores a large number of objects in the memory
(thousands of), and then calls a "play" method from each one. As it goes
playing, RAM usage increases drastically and a weird lag/clicking happens.
Is there a possible method to clear memory (perhaps by discarding objects
already played) while the script is in execution? Is there any alternative
when calling a large number of functions over short periods of time?

For the sake of example, take this lame pseudocode:

class Foo {

int fooX;

float fooY;

int fooZ;

string fooBla;
string fooBlu;

fun void set(int x, float y, int z, string bla, string blu) {

x => fooX;

y => fooY;

z => fooZ;

bla => fooBla;

blu => fooBlu;


fun void play() {

SinOsc s => Gain g => dac;

if ( x > 2 ) { fooY * x => s.freq; }

else { if ( z < 4 ) { fooY * z => s.freq; }  else { fooY => s.freq; } }

0.5 => g.gain;

if ( bla == "fast" ) { 10::ms => now; }
else { if ( bla == "slow" ) { 500::ms => now; } else { 200::ms => now; }



(now imagine a function that sets thousands of Foo objects, stores them
into an array and afterwards iterate through said array, calling .play()
function for each item. at this point things become *very* slow because of
too many objects filling up the memory).

Even using --silent, the script is eventually sluggish because memory still
is filled up.

I hope you can point me to the right direction!
Jean Menezes da Rocha
Professor -- Faculdades Est
Mestre e Doutorando em Composição pela Universidade Federal da Bahia
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