[chuck-users] FFT Convolution and CPU Load

Perry Cook prc at CS.Princeton.EDU
Wed Sep 23 17:15:13 EDT 2015


Just checked my example and my CPU went from 7% to 11% when I kicked on
the FFTConvolve.ck program you cite.  We can’t see all your code, so not sure what’s
going on.  Are you updating really often, like advancing time every sample or 


> On Sep 22, 2015, at 9:00 AM, chuck-users-request at lists.cs.princeton.edu wrote:
> // FFT convolution with static impulse response
> // by Perry R. Cook, November 2014
> // upsides:  as efficient as it could be, save for 
> //           constructing a specific fft convolution chugin
> // downsides: minimum delay is length of impulse response + buffers
> // fix:      break into pieces and overlap add
> //  Other fix:  see filter version using my FIR Filter chugin
> // our fixed convolution kernal (impulse response)
> SndBuf s => FFT ffth => blackhole;  
> "CelloBodyShort.wav" => s.read; // whatever you like (caution of length!!)
> 2 => int fftSize;
> while (fftSize < s.samples()) 
>    2 *=> fftSize;           // next highest power of two
> fftSize => int windowSize;   // this is windowsize, only apply to signal blocks
> windowSize/2 => int hopSize; // this can any whole fraction of windowsize
> 2 *=> fftSize;               // zero pad by 2x factor (for convolve)
> // our input signal, replace adc with anything you like
> adc => Gain input => FFT fftx => blackhole;  // input signal
> IFFT outy => dac;            // our output
> fftSize => ffth.size => fftx.size => outy.size; // sizes
> Windowing.hann(windowSize) => fftx.window;
> //   <<< s.samples(), fftSize >>>;
> windowSize::samp => now;     // load impulse response into h
> ffth.upchuck() @=> UAnaBlob H; // spectrum of fixed impulse response
> s =< ffth =< blackhole;      // don't need impulse resp signal anymore
> complex Z[fftSize/2];
> 1000 => input.gain;          // fiddle with this how you like/need
> while (true)  {
>    fftx.upchuck() @=> UAnaBlob X; // spectrum of input signal
>    // multiply spectra bin by bin (complex for free!):
>    for(0 => int i; i < fftSize/2; i++ ) {
>        fftx.cval(i) * H.cval(i) => Z[i];	
>    }    
>    outy.transform( Z );      // take ifft
>    hopSize :: samp => now;   // and do it all again
> }

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