[chuck-users] SndBuf - audio file with samplerate different from 44100

mario buoninfante mario.buoninfante at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 08:48:24 EDT 2018


It seems like SndBuf deals in a different way with audio files which 
have different sample rate.

I tried this simple program where the 2 audio files samples are compared 
(perc.wav and perc2.wav which are the same file one 44100 and the other 
48000 Hz sample rate), so that I can check if they are different. it 
looks like for SndBuf they are different. am I missing something? does 
SndBuf convert in some way the audio files?


SndBuf sample => blackhole;
SndBuf sample2 => blackhole;


<<< sample.length(), sample2.length() >>>;

0 => int err;
for(0 => int c; c<sample.samples(); 1 +=> c){
     if((sample.valueAt(c) - sample2.valueAt(c)) != 0){
         1 +=> err;
<<< err >>>;

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