[chuck-users] SndBuf use of .loop and .interp

herman verbaeten hverb54 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 26 08:31:13 EST 2020


In my attempt to loop-play 1 portion of the soundbuffer for a certain periode time(2000 milliseconds in my example) i get a kind of clicking when the geginning of the sample pos is different from the ending..
Maybe .loop and .interp of SndBuf is a solution here. Anyone who knows how to use them?
Kind regards,

me.sourceDir() + "aeiou.wav" => string filename;
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => filename;
SndBuf buf => dac;
filename => buf.read;

fun void looper()
1500::samp => now;
50000 => buf.pos;
spork ~ looper();

2000::ms => now;
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