[chuck] miniAudicle- released (now in color)

Spencer Salazar ssalazar at Princeton.EDU
Fri Jul 14 15:14:24 EDT 2006


miniAudicle- (alpha) is now available.

     (may need to reload)

miniAudicle- offers chuck-, configurable syntax  
coloring, new View, Button, and LED user interface elements, revamped  
documentation, and new examples (thanks to Ananya Misra for help in  
documentation and examples).

Coming very soon: Linux and Windows miniAudicle.

Please let us know about any problems, bugs, feature requests, etc.


     - added ChucK syntax coloring in editing windows
     - added syntax coloring preferences item
     - implemented MAUI_View, MAUI_Button, and MAUI_LED objects
     - expanded MAUI_Element and MAUI_Slider object interfaces
     - disabled network thread by default

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