[ixp1200] minimal starting code

Najati Imam najati at netlab.uky.edu
Mon Dec 30 17:50:23 EST 2002

I'm trying to get around using ixstart and ixstop and do port/uengine
initialization manually. My motivation for doing so is to avoid having to
use ixsys.config's ambiguous initialization directives and have a bit
better control over which engines get which uof and get a better grasp on
which me-to-me rings I can use, how I initialize/allocate them.

I figured dredging through ixconfig's source code would be the best place
to start but its covered in crosscalls and I really don't want to deal
with all that. Is there no simple function call to say "give port 0 mac
address ..." or "put port 0 in promiscious mode" and the many other things
that need to be done to get a port ready for a ueng to use it.

I'd also like to use the supplied ingress microcode, slightly modified,
without the provided core component but will need to discover what values
to patch the .import_vars to from the ingress code. I've looked through
that a little today and it seems to be about as friendly as dealing with
crosscalls. If anyone has either done this or has some leads that would
make my doing it easier either would be appreciated.


/Najati Imam  . najati at netlab.uky.edu . "Don't Ever Give Up"\
\Laboratory for Advanced Networking . University of Kentucky/

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