[ixp1200] Memory allocation problem

Malathi Panyam malathipanyam at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 29 15:21:14 EDT 2005

        I need to implement a pattern matching algo(Aho Corasick) for my project, which requires a state machine build. 
And since this requires memory to be allocated dynamically which is not possible with IXP1200 (no Malloc), I defined a large array in SRAM to block certain memory for building the state machine. Though I specified the start location for this array, the memory getting assigned randomly and over writing some data( a large set of rules which need to be placed only in SRAM due to alignment problems).
So can anyone pl.suggest me how I can block certain amount of memory in SRAM  with an array and use it for my state machine without over writing.
thanx in advance


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