[talks] Dan Larkin will present his Pre FPO on Tuesday, December 9 at 11am in CS 302.

Nicki Gotsis ngotsis at CS.Princeton.EDU
Tue Dec 2 13:35:11 EST 2014

Dan Larkin will present his Pre FPO on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 11am in CS 302.  

The members of his committee are:
Robert Tarjan (advisor), Jeff Erickson and Robert Sedgewick (readers), and Mark Braverman and Sanjeev Arora. 

Everyone is invited to attend his talk.  The talk title and abstract follow below:

Compressing Trees with a Sledgehammer


A number of fundamental algorithms make use of the compressed tree framework to accelerate computation on graphs and sets. Perhaps the most well-known of these problems is disjoint set union (union-find). The main contributions of this disseration are a simple, optimal, randomized solution to the disjoint set union problem; an optimal, space-saving solution to the nested variation of the same problem; and a clean, unified analysis which encapsulates virtually all known optimal compressed tree algorithms and provides significant flexibility to handle a wide class of possible algorithms.

Nicki Gotsis 
Graduate Coordinator 
Room 310, Computer Science 
(609) 258-5387 
ngotsis at cs.princeton.edu 

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