Hi Scott!
I'm having problems with chuck and libsndfile on linux (FC4, 2.6.14-0.10.rrt.rhfc4.ccrma, libsndfile version 1.0.11-1.rhfc4.ccrma). It crashes 90% of the time when trying to the load the example data files in the "otk_0x.ck" series with the following message: User defined signal 2.
Is anyone else experiencing similar problems? Are you building for alsa, jack, or oss?
In src/util_sndfile.h, it looks like it's expecting version 1.0.10. So, that could certainly be the problem:
Under linux, the default is to use libsndfile headers and libraries installed on your system (and completely ignore util_sndfile.*). So, it should be using 1.0.11-1.rhfc4.ccrma, unless you changed it in the makefile. Have you tested other apps that also links against this version of libsndfile? It's possible, but unlikely, that there is something weird with your libsndfile headers/libraries. It's more probable that chuck is doing something funny. Ge!