Jacob Doran wrote:
I'm a computer programmer, guitarist and singer who lives in London. Recently I have moved away from pure acoustic performances and have been using boss loop pedal and effects in gigs which has been fantastic but I'm already finding limitations. Then I had the idea that I might be able merge my programming skills with my music and program my own loop pedal rig using ChuCK software and a midi foot controller. It would be able to loop my guitar and voice multiple times live (like traditional loop pedals), turn loops on and off, and also apply real time manipulation, ping pong delays, pitch shifting, algorithmic harmonizations and who knows what else. I would control this all with a midi foot controller and a laptop while I play and sing. I was wondering if anyone has tried doing this type of thing before? A lot of what I have read seams to be more about virtual synthesis rather than real time audio manipulation/looping in a live performance? Is this something ChuCK could do well? What about performance, stability, or latency?
Great question -- I'm looking forward to all the other responses in this thread. I will make the argument that it would be difficult to implement all of what you wish to do in ChucK directly, rather you will most likely end up with a hodge-podge of software tied together by JACK (or a similar audio routing tech) and MIDI and/or OSC for control change communication. JACK Audio Connection Kit http://jackit.sf.net/ Open Sound Control (OSC) 1.0 Specification http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0 For instance, I use SooperLooper for looping guitar and homemade instruments. I drive it programmatically via OSC in ChucK or Processing in response to keyboard, sound analysis, or timing-related events. SooperLooper http://sonosaurus.com/sooperlooper/ SooperLooper.ck in LicK http://github.com/heuermh/lick/blob/d66920295670221c50757cbaa4419d104549f8b0... Sooper Looper Java API via OSC interface http://sonosaurus.com/slforum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=110&sid=dca55c845a6a41b54a382f8cc95a443f Since you have a MIDI foot controller, you could just use SooperLooper's MIDI interface directly. I'm uncoordinated with my feet, so I stick with code. :) michael