Mario, I agree. Case and point: where is info about HID on the princeton site? Not there! (except examples). I think it might be in the PDF, but not the web doc - at least not anywhere I’ve been able to find. I’m teaching a class with chuck next year, so this resource will be much needed… I’m happy to help out in any way I can… PS: If the FLOSS manual is meant to be the all-in-one resource, I wonder about including the Chunity stuff?? —ss [ - ] Scott Smallwood http://www.scott-smallwood.com/ - Associate Professor - University of Alberta [ - ]
On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:37 AM, mario buoninfante
wrote: Hi,
I just added 2 chapters (and updated an existing one), to the ChucK FLOSS manual (https://en.flossmanuals.net/chuck https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fen.flossmanuals.net%2Fchuck%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2B-M1MzHPF47tY3F35IL0vf_mNftflXgXhMZ6-Z2r96C8xA7o80ch-veg&h=AT0sIBlGxQUXB0tBfseuLvvdbZQH0gOKWMfULe4FC-OuTeDk7PPu6X219G9uaodxNlvKDuOhmHikkP1ZffTirAP4pgfK_Hu1gejrJQXXkjJKhhNFSI7abUGulljL_JGXDpz-Bd1UQiXOHpg). Array Object Functions String Object Functions Other Objects Reference (added FileIO and SeriaIO) There's still 'some' work to do to make the FLOSS manual really comprehensive, but we'll eventually get there Next step would probably be a bit of text formatting. Especially in the various 'reference' sections, there are too many 'styles'. Just a quick note about the FLOSS manual and ChucK documentation in general. What I always found difficult (especially at the begin of my adventure with ChucK), was the fact the the documentation wasn't centralized. There are plenty of places on the internet where you can find bits and bops, but none is really comprehensive (some are outdated, some just incomplete, and so on). I believe ChucK is now mature enough and needs a fully comprehensive (and official) documentation. The FLOSS manual could help with that (my personal opinion, open for discussions :) ). Wouldn't be easier if there was THE place where all the documentation is? Looking forward to hearing from you. In the meanwhile, give me a shout if you wanna help with the FLOSS manual, there's still plenty to do :P
Cheers, Mario -- Electronic Musician, Creative Coder, QA Engineer https://vimeo.com/creativecodingsalerno https://vimeo.com/creativecodingsalerno http://mbuoninfante.tumblr.com/ http://mbuoninfante.tumblr.com/ https://github.com/mariobuoninfante https://github.com/mariobuoninfante https://bitbucket.org/mariobuoninfante/ https://bitbucket.org/mariobuoninfante/_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users