Here's the same with miniAudicle->File->Open Example->MIDI->gomidi
144 42 97
128 42 19
144 44 72
128 44 2
144 46 97
128 46 30
144 42 21
144 44 27
144 46 14
128 46 61
128 44 62
128 42 36
On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Michael Heuer
Hello Daniel,
I can't say I'm seeing the same thing; if I add
>>; to the MIDI controller class here (at line 155)
and run this example
For three separate notes
"ready" : (string) 29634816.000000 144 46 9 keyOn 46 9 29639168.000000 128 46 15 keyOff 46 29665024.000000 144 44 20 keyOn 44 20 29669120.000000 128 44 12 keyOff 44 29695488.000000 144 42 39 keyOn 42 39 29701376.000000 128 42 11 keyOff 42
three played legato slowly
29774336.000000 144 46 19 keyOn 46 19 29796864.000000 144 44 27 keyOn 44 27 29821184.000000 144 42 33 keyOn 42 33 29850880.000000 128 46 55 29850880.000000 128 44 36 keyOff 46 keyOff 44 29851136.000000 128 42 44 keyOff 42
and three played legato quickly
29971200.000000 144 46 14 keyOn 46 14 29972992.000000 144 44 78 keyOn 44 78 29976576.000000 144 42 83 keyOn 42 83 30014976.000000 128 46 56 keyOff 46 30015744.000000 128 44 55 keyOff 44 30016000.000000 128 42 39 keyOff 42
The first column is counting off samples at 44.1 kHz so the key on/off events aren't coming as fast as they are in your example though. Maybe if I could play keys better. :)
And I'm running on OSX 10.9 with chuck built from source, which reports its version as chuck version: (chimera).
On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 7:43 PM, Daniel Chapiro
wrote: Hi - I think that Chuck's Midi methods seem not to be working (except for very simple examples), as Chuck is dropping Midi events - I'm using the pre-compiled version of Chuck 1.3.0 (gidora), on a Mac Mini (2.7GHz I7), with OSX 10.7.5 (Lion).
The only type of ON/OFF sequence in which Chuck seems not to "swallow" any notes is of the form Note1 ON, Note1 OFF, Note2 ON, Note2 OFF… Instead, I'm generating Midi streams in which there are new note On events before the prior note goes off. They happen when I play legato with a Yamaha WX5 wind controller, but any Midi keyboard would also generate such sequences if one presses a new key before releasing another one that is already sounding.
I captured the following short sequence with the "MIDI Monitor" app (http://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/). Also it sounds fine with different sound generators):
20:34:33.026 From In Note On 1 E2 22 20:34:33.030 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 20 20:34:33.036 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 25 20:34:33.041 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 27 20:34:33.071 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 29 20:34:33.182 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 30 20:34:33.207 From In Note On 1 F2 30 20:34:33.208 From In Note Off 1 E2 0 20:34:33.534 From In Note On 1 G2 30 20:34:33.535 From In Note Off 1 F2 0 20:34:33.664 From In Control 1 Breath Control (coarse) 32 20:34:33.845 From In Note On 1 A2 32 20:34:33.846 From In Note Off 1 G2 0
Capturing the same with Chuck only shows the 1st Note ON (and all the CCs, which are correct), but the rest of the Note ONs/OFFs vanish (BTW, playing very slowly makes no difference). To make sure it was not some bug in my code, I captured the Midi using just Chuck's example in miniAudicle->File->Open Example->MIDI->gomidi (the numeric output is converted below, just for readability):
Note On E2 22 CC BC (msb) 20 CC BC (msb) 25 CC BC (msb) 27 CC BC (msb) 29 CC BC (msb) 30 CC BC (msb) 32
Only by fully ending each note before playing the succeeding one, all the Note ONs/OFFs show up. But that's not useable...
Any help on incantations for Chuck, workarounds, or a fix would be great! (particularly since after learning to ChucK from Rob Poor's Oxygen8, the rest of my ChucK code seems to be working nicely :-)
Thanks! Daniel
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