Hi Tom
The .freq method in a sf file, maybe have no precise sense, the
real frequency depend of the recorded sample and the pitch region, maybe a simple .key method is better... or make the calculus of sample - pitch - region - pitchbend to take the accurate frequency... (if the sf file support that) ...maybe the nature of this UGen is simple different...
I didn't develop the code, but it sounds like you're saying .freq is acting more like SndBuf's .rate and should be named something else?
I think no (sorry for my English), That I would said that there is not a manipulated freq but a recorded sample in a particular file format, the acces an behavior are differents from the standpoint of MIDI manipulation.
Information retrival about sf files is also needed...
What do you mean by this?
Information about the bank, instruments, registers, mapping, for manipulation within chuck, maybe not a great thing.
Cheers Lucas