Hi Folks! I'm needing help understanding what the code for the frequency down below in bold text is doing. Context: I'm trying to build a code that will randomly pick frequencies and rhythms within a given range. As time passes my goal is to write a code that will also allow the frequencies and rhythms to change. I know I'm not ready to understand how to code this yet as I am teaching myself at my own pace. But I would like some help if maybe someone could talk me through what the frequency portion of this code is doing. I took the frame of most of my code from a ChucK example and am changing it for a composition of mine. I don't understand the relationship between the scale part and the freuency part. I don't understand the Math.pow. I do understand math.random2, int, and freq. Thank you much!! // Sitar Sitar sit => JCRev r => Echo a => dac; // gain .56 => r.gain; // reverb mix 1.12 => r.mix; // max delay for echo 1120::ms => a.max; // set delay for echo 112::ms => a.delay; // initial effect mix 0.0 => a.mix; *// scale* *[ 15 ] @=> int scale[];* *// freq* * scale[Math.random2(0,scale.cap()-1)] => int freq;* * 220.0 * Math.pow( 1.05946, (Math.random2(0,2)*12) + freq ) => sit.freq;* // loop while( true ){ //pluck Math.random2f( 0.1, 0.9 ) => sit.noteOn; //time Math.random2f( .01, 1000 )::ms => now; } -- J. Alexander Diaz www.diazsounds.com MFA Student - Music Composition jalexander@diazsounds.com [image: VCFA] http://vcfa.edu/