The class system is primitive and known to be so, that's true. I'm not sure I understand what issue events have for you though I suspect the shreduler could be optimised.
me neither, i don't remember exactly which problem i had with classes, but i do remember at some point i was "work-arounding" not in a comfortable way
Also the extensions in SC ( Quarks ) make it very easy to share code, maybe we should look on making something for chuck.* Something like "brew for chuck" ? Am sure a quick solution can be written using node.js + GIT *
Aside from lacking wide-spread adoption, do you see issues with the current idea of ChuGins and Git?
i missed that, and it looks awesome. actually using GIT is fantastic, quarks on SC still using SVN and that isn't very handy.
Don't get me wrong, am with you ( completely with you ) And I think chuck is super sexy and i would love to keep chucking. I would love to help on improving the syntax and OO, and all that jazz. But unfortunately i had to prioritise my idea over digging chuck source code. Hopefully at some point i'll be able to convert my SC classes to chuck ( : peace
I hope so too :-)
( :
Take care, Kas.
you too! cya