could anyone offer advice on controlling individual chuck patches with an external device? currently my mode of operation is to add several shreds and control their parameters with maudi sliders (buf.rate, reverb, delay, gain), but i'd prefer to use an external controller. i have an 8 channel alesis mixer with usb-- could this help to answer my question? please let me know if you have any controllers in mind, and also which section of the manual is best to read for making these connections.
Yes! And it's loads of fun.
These days are good ones for tinkering musicians; lots of interesting MIDI controllers are getting released and music games (which have nice controllers) have apparently gotten over their prime popularity-wise leaving many controllers to the bargains bin.
Go to your local second hand store or games shop bargain section. Find a interesting looking controller with a USB plug, if you find something especially exciting with a Playstation plug (or similar) find it a converter to USB. Essentially all game controllers with USB plugs will conform to the "HID" (Human Interface Device) standards, these should work everywhere without a need for extra drivers. You can get a MIDI one too, but those are most often more expensive and also less exciting (at least to me), they may come with nice leds that can blink though.
Plug it into your computer (on Windows you may now need to hit "ok" and "continue" a few times).
Open the folder in the /examples/ dir that deals with hid. These are quite clear. Use those to figure out what kind of data you can get out of it. If you found a MIDI controller instead use the MIDI folder, of course.
Write a file containing UGen definitions at the top, then a Shred that deals with the controller, then use the main shred to deal with generating sounds (for example keeping track of a sequence). Use extra shreds if you found multiple controllers. You can mix MIDI and HID ones if you like, one per shred. If needed borrow code from the HID example for the one shred, and code from examples that generate sound for the other. A good "mapping" between the controller and the sound will likely be more important than a complex sound, if in doubt; keep it simple. If in doubt; try to not use feedback on the computer screen.
The LiCK stuff takes the following approach Rhodey rhodey => dac; 440.0 => rhodey.freq; LogitechGamepadF310 gamepad; class Pitch extends FloatProcedure { fun void run(float ignore) { if (gamepad.isDPadUp()) { rhodey.freq() * 1.1 => rhodey.freq; } if (gamepad.isDPadDown()) { rhodey.freq() * 0.9 => rhodey.freq; } } } class NoteOn extends Procedure { fun void run() { rhodey.noteOn(1.0); } } class NoteOff extends Procedure { fun void run() { rhodey.noteOff(1.0); } } Pitch pitch; NoteOn noteOn; NoteOff noteOff; pitch @=> gamepad.dPad; noteOn @=> gamepad.aDown; noteOff @=> gamepad.aUp; gamepad.open(0);
Tweak this until it sounds good and seems expressive.
Presto; within two days and 20 bucks you have a completely new instrument.
Optional; look for other musicians and test your new instrument by jamming with them. Optional; play gigs using this as soon as possible and make notes of what works well and what doesn't. Optional; get addicted to finding cheap and unusual controllers, fill a cupboard with those.
Very good advice, Kas. I am doing well at Optional item 3 but have yet to do much of Optional items 1 and 2. Coming up with mappings that lead to interesting music is not a trivial task. michael