Les Hall wrote:
Good day ChucKists! I have finally purchased what looks to be a good motion controller for my particular needs. It is the Gyration Air Mouse Elite. It works great, though my first code attempt at varying a SinOsc produced more zipper than actual sine wave, lol. I know the zipper cannot be avoided in practice, so I'll work on ways to minimize it and /or make use of it. Now, to my question:
How do I access all of the axes? This device has a 2-axis gyro and a 3-axis accelerometer, which IMHO packs a powerful punch missing only the roll gyro. I can do all sorts of stuff with it, but I need to get at that axis data. I'm sure it's very simple, how do i do it?
You should be able to follow the ChucK HID examples, then just dump out all the messages received as you wave the thing about. Something like Hid hid; HidMsg msg; 0 => int device; hid.openJoystick(device); while (true) { hid => now; while (hid.recv(msg)) { ... inspect msg Hopefully that will give you enough to map the messages to the right parameters. That is how I did https://github.com/heuermh/lick/blob/9616ef1ea9b483771700903f7fa57d9ba530a63... though that device doesn't have an accelerometer. michael