On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 7:41 PM,
i'd like to know if chuck has what i'm going to think of as arrays, that is for a variable foo, foo(1) is 4 foo(2) would be something else other than 4, and so on. then there'd hafta be a way to determine how many elements were in foo in the first place
Yes, ChucK has arrays int foo[10]; 4 => foo[1]; 42 => foo[2]; foo[Math.rand2(0, 9)] => int sample; http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/language/array.html or if you would prefer Java-style Lists IntArrayList list; list.size(10); list.set(1, 4); list.set(2, 42); list.sample() => int sample; https://github.com/heuermh/lick/wiki or if you would prefer Lisp-style Lists, there is such library code out there but I can't remember where it is or who wrote it, try searching the chuck-users@ mailing list archives. Cheers, michael