Hello, I'm having trouble with ChucK being able to locate my Apogee ONE USB device again $ chuck --probe ... Message response timed out [chuck]: system error: (kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError) getting device manufacturer... [chuck]: ------( audio device: 3 )--------------- [chuck]: device name = "" [chuck]: probe [failed] ... This is with git head built using libc, which describes itself as chuck version: (chimera) mac os x : intel : 64-bit http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ http://chuck.stanford.edu/ If I attempt to run with audio device 3 it blows up $ chuck --in:1 --out:2 --dac:3 --adc:3 --srate:48000 --loop Plug in failed to register with daemon Message response timed out [chuck]: system error: (kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError) getting device manufacturer... [chuck]: unsupported sample rate (48000) requested... [chuck]: | (try --probe to enumerate available sample rates) [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (use --silent/-s for non-realtime) michael