2011/6/15 Kassen
Fellow ChucKists, I just noticed this sorting algorithm; http://dis.4chan.org/read/prog/1295544154 (should be work-safe, despite that URL) for those afraid of 4chan links and for reference, here is it;
That's pretty amazing! A quick hack to make it output sound ( I made it twice as fast to actually keep you guys entertained): SqrOsc s => ADSR a => dac; 0 => s.freq; a.set(.5,0,0,0); int input[8]; for (int n; n< input.size(); n++) Std.rand2(0, 20) => input[n]; int output[false]; fun void arrayPrinter( int arg[] ) { for (int n; n < arg.size(); n++) chout <= arg[n] <= " "; chout <= IO.newline(); } fun void waiter(int length) { (length/2.0)::second => now; 880 - 44*length => s.freq; a.keyOn(); //<<<length>>>; output << length; } arrayPrinter(input); for (int n; n< input.size(); n++) spork~waiter(input[n]); while (output.size() < input.size()) second => now; arrayPrinter(output); Cheers