Hi Juan, thanks a lot for that. I forgot there was an example about it. despite I work quite a lot with MIDI in general, from both programming and musical purposes, I've almost never used MIDI files. so, honestly I've never paid attention to that example, mea culpa :) apart from that, now I'd like to know what are the differences between MidiFileIn and MidiRW. I'll dig a bit more into the source code. in the meanwhile I updated the ChucK FLOSS manual, with at least all the methods I found on the link you sent. I'll try to get the descriptions as well as soon as possible. cheers, Mario On 22/05/18 22:48, Juan Reyes wrote:
Hi Mario,
Have used 'MidiFileIn' as per '/examples/midi/playmidi.ck'
Some documentation is on: [1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~spencer/ckdoc/io.html#MidiFileIn
BTW, Thanks to Spencer for MidiFileIn'.
Tricky parts are more related to MidiMsg and actual midifile manipulation. 'playmidi.ck' only triggers noteOns from the MIDI file. For NoteOffs another MidiMsg conditional (or filter for this kind of data stream on file) needs to be added. Tempo can also be manipulated by just hacking 'playmidi.ck' code.
Certainly one needs to get fluent on MIDI messaging hexadecimal codes. NoteOn is 0x90 and NoteOff is 0x80. NoteOffs are useful to get actual note durations. Some STK Ugens sustain forever if you don't have NoteOffs, -in fact wherever an ADSR is not used-.
Below some code that works to get NoteOffs and for illustration purposes. Can post all the code or email it, in case you need it.
Thanks for the MIDI Reference chapter on the ChucK FLOSS manual.
-- Juan Reyes
MidiFileIn min; MidiMsg msg;
0 => int j; time delta; float beg; // start midi note 0.0 => float durat;
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x90 && msg.data2 > 0 && msg.data3 > 0) { <<< j, " NOTE-ON KEY: ", msg.data2, "Velocity: ", msg.data3 >>>; 1 +=> j; }
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x80) { beg-last => durat; <<< "NOTE-OFF: ",msg.data2, msg.data3, "start: ", beg, " duration: ", durat >>>;
beg => last; }
at the moment there are info about MIDI also under the Event Reference, which I don't wanna touch for now. anyway, there are a couple of classes I've never seen before, MidiMsgIn, MidiMsgOut and MidiFileIn, has anyone ever used them?