ChucK FLOSS - MIDI reference

Hi everybody, I added a new chapter to the ChucK FLOSS manual, MIDI Reference at the moment there are info about MIDI also under the Event Reference, which I don't wanna touch for now. anyway, there are a couple of classes I've never seen before, MidiMsgIn, MidiMsgOut and MidiFileIn, has anyone ever used them? cheers, Mario

Hi Mario, Have used 'MidiFileIn' as per '/examples/midi/' Some documentation is on: [1] BTW, Thanks to Spencer for MidiFileIn'. Tricky parts are more related to MidiMsg and actual midifile manipulation. '' only triggers noteOns from the MIDI file. For NoteOffs another MidiMsg conditional (or filter for this kind of data stream on file) needs to be added. Tempo can also be manipulated by just hacking '' code. Certainly one needs to get fluent on MIDI messaging hexadecimal codes. NoteOn is 0x90 and NoteOff is 0x80. NoteOffs are useful to get actual note durations. Some STK Ugens sustain forever if you don't have NoteOffs, -in fact wherever an ADSR is not used-. Below some code that works to get NoteOffs and for illustration purposes. Can post all the code or email it, in case you need it. Thanks for the MIDI Reference chapter on the ChucK FLOSS manual. -- Juan Reyes //**********************************************************// MidiFileIn min; MidiMsg msg; 0 => int j; time delta; float beg; // start midi note 0.0 => float durat; if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x90 && msg.data2 > 0 && msg.data3 > 0) { <<< j, " NOTE-ON KEY: ", msg.data2, "Velocity: ", msg.data3 >>>; 1 +=> j; } if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x80) { beg-last => durat; <<< "NOTE-OFF: ",msg.data2, msg.data3, "start: ", beg, " duration: ", durat >>>; beg => last; } //**********************************************************//
at the moment there are info about MIDI also under the Event Reference, which I don't wanna touch for now. anyway, there are a couple of classes I've never seen before, MidiMsgIn, MidiMsgOut and MidiFileIn, has anyone ever used them?

Hi Juan, thanks a lot for that. I forgot there was an example about it. despite I work quite a lot with MIDI in general, from both programming and musical purposes, I've almost never used MIDI files. so, honestly I've never paid attention to that example, mea culpa :) apart from that, now I'd like to know what are the differences between MidiFileIn and MidiRW. I'll dig a bit more into the source code. in the meanwhile I updated the ChucK FLOSS manual, with at least all the methods I found on the link you sent. I'll try to get the descriptions as well as soon as possible. cheers, Mario On 22/05/18 22:48, Juan Reyes wrote:
Hi Mario,
Have used 'MidiFileIn' as per '/examples/midi/'
Some documentation is on: [1]
BTW, Thanks to Spencer for MidiFileIn'.
Tricky parts are more related to MidiMsg and actual midifile manipulation. '' only triggers noteOns from the MIDI file. For NoteOffs another MidiMsg conditional (or filter for this kind of data stream on file) needs to be added. Tempo can also be manipulated by just hacking '' code.
Certainly one needs to get fluent on MIDI messaging hexadecimal codes. NoteOn is 0x90 and NoteOff is 0x80. NoteOffs are useful to get actual note durations. Some STK Ugens sustain forever if you don't have NoteOffs, -in fact wherever an ADSR is not used-.
Below some code that works to get NoteOffs and for illustration purposes. Can post all the code or email it, in case you need it.
Thanks for the MIDI Reference chapter on the ChucK FLOSS manual.
-- Juan Reyes
MidiFileIn min; MidiMsg msg;
0 => int j; time delta; float beg; // start midi note 0.0 => float durat;
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x90 && msg.data2 > 0 && msg.data3 > 0) { <<< j, " NOTE-ON KEY: ", msg.data2, "Velocity: ", msg.data3 >>>; 1 +=> j; }
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x80) { beg-last => durat; <<< "NOTE-OFF: ",msg.data2, msg.data3, "start: ", beg, " duration: ", durat >>>;
beg => last; }
at the moment there are info about MIDI also under the Event Reference, which I don't wanna touch for now. anyway, there are a couple of classes I've never seen before, MidiMsgIn, MidiMsgOut and MidiFileIn, has anyone ever used them?

Hello Juan, Mario LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details. Here's an example of how they might be used Cheers, michael On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 5:41 PM, mario buoninfante <> wrote:
Hi Juan,
thanks a lot for that. I forgot there was an example about it. despite I work quite a lot with MIDI in general, from both programming and musical purposes, I've almost never used MIDI files. so, honestly I've never paid attention to that example, mea culpa :)
apart from that, now I'd like to know what are the differences between MidiFileIn and MidiRW. I'll dig a bit more into the source code. in the meanwhile I updated the ChucK FLOSS manual, with at least all the methods I found on the link you sent. I'll try to get the descriptions as well as soon as possible.
On 22/05/18 22:48, Juan Reyes wrote:
Hi Mario,
Have used 'MidiFileIn' as per '/examples/midi/'
Some documentation is on: [1]
BTW, Thanks to Spencer for MidiFileIn'.
Tricky parts are more related to MidiMsg and actual midifile manipulation. '' only triggers noteOns from the MIDI file. For NoteOffs another MidiMsg conditional (or filter for this kind of data stream on file) needs to be added. Tempo can also be manipulated by just hacking '' code.
Certainly one needs to get fluent on MIDI messaging hexadecimal codes. NoteOn is 0x90 and NoteOff is 0x80. NoteOffs are useful to get actual note durations. Some STK Ugens sustain forever if you don't have NoteOffs, -in fact wherever an ADSR is not used-.
Below some code that works to get NoteOffs and for illustration purposes. Can post all the code or email it, in case you need it.
Thanks for the MIDI Reference chapter on the ChucK FLOSS manual.
-- Juan Reyes
MidiFileIn min; MidiMsg msg;
0 => int j; time delta; float beg; // start midi note 0.0 => float durat;
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x90 && msg.data2 > 0 && msg.data3 > 0) { <<< j, " NOTE-ON KEY: ", msg.data2, "Velocity: ", msg.data3 >>>; 1 +=> j; }
if((msg.data1 & 0xF0) == 0x80) { beg-last => durat; <<< "NOTE-OFF: ",msg.data2, msg.data3, "start: ", beg, " duration: ", durat >>>;
beg => last; }
at the moment there are info about MIDI also under the Event Reference, which I don't wanna touch for now. anyway, there are a couple of classes I've never seen before, MidiMsgIn, MidiMsgOut and MidiFileIn, has anyone ever used them?
chuck-users mailing list

Hi Michael, Mario, Thanks a lot for the links. Need to try these classes, they look cleaner. MidiFileIn inherits from STK also (sorry Gary but thanks!). Not so sure about MidiRW either. Looks like it has methods to open, close, read and write MIDI files. Seems to me that it is also used in conjunction with MidiMsg. I guess its usage might be like opening and manipulating audio files. Cheers, -- Juan
LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details.
Here's an example of how they might be used

The main difference between the two is that when I was looking to use
MidiRW, it didnt/doesn't actually work and is just a shell around an
unimplemented interface, so MidiFileIn was added, which mostly just maps to
STK's implementation.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Juan Reyes
Hi Michael, Mario,
Thanks a lot for the links. Need to try these classes, they look cleaner.
MidiFileIn inherits from STK also (sorry Gary but thanks!).
Not so sure about MidiRW either. Looks like it has methods to open, close, read and write MIDI files. Seems to me that it is also used in conjunction with MidiMsg. I guess its usage might be like opening and manipulating audio files.
-- Juan
LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details.
Here's an example of how they might be used
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654

Jack's note that miniAudicle is only looking in C:\Program
Files\ChucK\chugins\ ended up being the key here. I now have some o the
chugins installed and working :) I had the 10/21/2015 .chug versions
floating around my computer from, I made sure the 02/05/18 versions
were in C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins\ ( and the only versions in there,
get the old ones out)
The following are not automatically installed with
Binaural, Faust, Ladspa, NHHall, Random, Wavetable
Below are the steps I took to get Binaural, Wavetable, and Random to
compile and install. Have not attempted Faust or Ladspa yet
I could not get NHHall working with this method. NHHall does not come with
a VCXPROJ file so I used the VCXPROJ file from another chugin as a template
and made my own for NHHall. Using the steps below I was able to
sucessfully build a .CHUG file for NHHall, but when trying to load the
chugins in miniAudicle I get an error:
[chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error loading chugin 'NHHall.chug', skipping
[chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error from chuck_dl: 'no version function
found in dll 'C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins/NHHall.chug''
Not sure if this is a problem with the NHHall files or user error on my
Anyone have NHHall working on windows 10?
After many days on stack overflow, trying to set up my laptop to use the VS
2010 build tools in the year 2018, I gave up and just tried stuff until I
came up with this brute force method of installing the rest of the chugins
Step 1:
git clone
the git repo will be placed in C:\Users\<name>\chugins
Open the makefile in C:\Users\<name>\chugins, the first lines are a list of
chugins in the order they will be built/installed in. Put the chugin you
want to install at the beginning, e.g. CHUGINS= Wavetable etc. ( This is
just so that you don't have to go through the steps below for each of the
chugins that are already installed).
Step 2a:
You might get the following error when running $ make win32:
msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release,
...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
You need to find the directory containing msbuild.exe and add it the
MINGW64 path, this worked for me:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319"
Step 2b:
Open the VCXPROJ file in C:\Users\<name>\chugins\Wavetable, note that the
first line indicates ToolsVersion="15.0"
make sure you have the 15.0 buils tools for VS installed and that MINGW64
can access the folder:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
Step 3:
$ cd chugins
$ make win32
Although I had all the build tools, compilers, and SDKs for the v100
platform toolset, chugins would not compile and I couldn't get past the
following error:
error MSB8020: The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset =
'v100') cannot be found.
I noticed on the github history that there was a fix on 01/17/18 that
changed the VCXPROJ file for each chugin from
<PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> to
So as an experiment I changed this back to
<PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> in the VCXPROJ file for the chugin
(there are a few different lines of this in the file)
NB: v141 did not work for each of them, for example Binaural needed v140 to
Step 4:
run make win32 again. Should get a 'build succeeded" in the log
Step 5:
make install. get the following error:
$ make install
CHUCK_STRICT=1 make -C Wavetabler/ install
make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/Ben/chugins/Wavetable'
gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o Wavetable.cpp
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o
Wavetable.cpp, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Step 6:
move the contents of C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/Release to
C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/ and change the file name of Wavetable.obj to
Step 7:
run make install again. then move the Wavetable .CHUG file from
C:/Users/<name>/chugins/Wavetable to C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins
Double check that C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins is a directory for chugins
in miniAudicle and re-start miniAudicle. The chugin should be working now,
at least avoiding the 'undefined type' error in miniAudicle.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Spencer Salazar
The main difference between the two is that when I was looking to use MidiRW, it didnt/doesn't actually work and is just a shell around an unimplemented interface, so MidiFileIn was added, which mostly just maps to STK's implementation.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Juan Reyes
wrote: Hi Michael, Mario,
Thanks a lot for the links. Need to try these classes, they look cleaner.
MidiFileIn inherits from STK also (sorry Gary but thanks!).
Not so sure about MidiRW either. Looks like it has methods to open, close, read and write MIDI files. Seems to me that it is also used in conjunction with MidiMsg. I guess its usage might be like opening and manipulating audio files.
-- Juan
LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details.
Here's an example of how they might be used
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list

Hey Ben,
Wow, nice work getting all of the other chugins to compile. NHHall is a
brand new reverb designed/implemented by Nathan Ho, I don't think he
normally uses Windows so its missing Visual Studio build files. It has been
tested on Linux and Mac.
"no version function" sounds like ChucK has found the chugin file but
somehow it didnt compile correctly. There are a lot of reasons why this
could happen; Id be happy to take a look at your vcxproj file to see if
there are any obvious issues.
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:06 PM, Ben Sandvik
Jack's note that miniAudicle is only looking in C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins\ ended up being the key here. I now have some o the chugins installed and working :) I had the 10/21/2015 .chug versions floating around my computer from, I made sure the 02/05/18 versions were in C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins\ ( and the only versions in there, get the old ones out)
The following are not automatically installed with Binaural, Faust, Ladspa, NHHall, Random, Wavetable
Below are the steps I took to get Binaural, Wavetable, and Random to compile and install. Have not attempted Faust or Ladspa yet
I could not get NHHall working with this method. NHHall does not come with a VCXPROJ file so I used the VCXPROJ file from another chugin as a template and made my own for NHHall. Using the steps below I was able to sucessfully build a .CHUG file for NHHall, but when trying to load the chugins in miniAudicle I get an error: [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error loading chugin 'NHHall.chug', skipping [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error from chuck_dl: 'no version function found in dll 'C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins/NHHall.chug'' Not sure if this is a problem with the NHHall files or user error on my part. Anyone have NHHall working on windows 10?
Thanks Ben
After many days on stack overflow, trying to set up my laptop to use the VS 2010 build tools in the year 2018, I gave up and just tried stuff until I came up with this brute force method of installing the rest of the chugins
Step 1: git clone the git repo will be placed in C:\Users\<name>\chugins Open the makefile in C:\Users\<name>\chugins, the first lines are a list of chugins in the order they will be built/installed in. Put the chugin you want to install at the beginning, e.g. CHUGINS= Wavetable etc. ( This is just so that you don't have to go through the steps below for each of the chugins that are already installed).
Step 2a: You might get the following error when running $ make win32: msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
You need to find the directory containing msbuild.exe and add it the MINGW64 path, this worked for me:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319"
Step 2b: Open the VCXPROJ file in C:\Users\<name>\chugins\Wavetable, note that the first line indicates ToolsVersion="15.0" make sure you have the 15.0 buils tools for VS installed and that MINGW64 can access the folder:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
Step 3: $ cd chugins $ make win32
Although I had all the build tools, compilers, and SDKs for the v100 platform toolset, chugins would not compile and I couldn't get past the following error:
error MSB8020: The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found.
I noticed on the github history that there was a fix on 01/17/18 that changed the VCXPROJ file for each chugin from <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> to <PlatformToolset>v100</PlatformToolset>. So as an experiment I changed this back to <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> in the VCXPROJ file for the chugin (there are a few different lines of this in the file) NB: v141 did not work for each of them, for example Binaural needed v140 to compile
Step 4: run make win32 again. Should get a 'build succeeded" in the log
Step 5: make install. get the following error: $ make install CHUCK_STRICT=1 make -C Wavetabler/ install make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/Ben/chugins/Wavetable' gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o Wavetable.cpp process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o Wavetable.cpp, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Step 6: move the contents of C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/Release to C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/ and change the file name of Wavetable.obj to Wavetable.o
Step 7: run make install again. then move the Wavetable .CHUG file from C:/Users/<name>/chugins/Wavetable to C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins Double check that C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins is a directory for chugins in miniAudicle and re-start miniAudicle. The chugin should be working now, at least avoiding the 'undefined type' error in miniAudicle. Virus-free. <#m_6872792077849536797_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Spencer Salazar <> wrote:
The main difference between the two is that when I was looking to use MidiRW, it didnt/doesn't actually work and is just a shell around an unimplemented interface, so MidiFileIn was added, which mostly just maps to STK's implementation.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Juan Reyes
wrote: Hi Michael, Mario,
Thanks a lot for the links. Need to try these classes, they look cleaner.
MidiFileIn inherits from STK also (sorry Gary but thanks!).
Not so sure about MidiRW either. Looks like it has methods to open, close, read and write MIDI files. Seems to me that it is also used in conjunction with MidiMsg. I guess its usage might be like opening and manipulating audio files.
-- Juan
LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details.
Here's an example of how they might be used
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654

For my attempt at making a vcxproj file for NHHall I basically just took
the Wavetable vcxproj, replaced every 'Wavetable' with 'NHHall', made sure
the PlatformToolset was v141 in each case and included the following near
the end of the file:
<ClCompile Include="NH_Hall.hpp" />
<ClInclude Include="NHHall.cpp" />
This seemed to build correctly and created a .chug file, and I did not get
an error until miniAudicle tried to load the chugin.
I should note that I'm pretty much in over my head here, I'm just hacking
around and trying stuff. other windows users might have better input here
I will wait until there is more support for the windows chugins
before trying again, for now I'm happy to be on chuck 1.4 and getting back
to my projects :)
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 9:38 PM, Spencer Salazar
Hey Ben,
Wow, nice work getting all of the other chugins to compile. NHHall is a brand new reverb designed/implemented by Nathan Ho, I don't think he normally uses Windows so its missing Visual Studio build files. It has been tested on Linux and Mac.
"no version function" sounds like ChucK has found the chugin file but somehow it didnt compile correctly. There are a lot of reasons why this could happen; Id be happy to take a look at your vcxproj file to see if there are any obvious issues.
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:06 PM, Ben Sandvik
wrote: Jack's note that miniAudicle is only looking in C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins\ ended up being the key here. I now have some o the chugins installed and working :) I had the 10/21/2015 .chug versions floating around my computer from, I made sure the 02/05/18 versions were in C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins\ ( and the only versions in there, get the old ones out)
The following are not automatically installed with Binaural, Faust, Ladspa, NHHall, Random, Wavetable
Below are the steps I took to get Binaural, Wavetable, and Random to compile and install. Have not attempted Faust or Ladspa yet
I could not get NHHall working with this method. NHHall does not come with a VCXPROJ file so I used the VCXPROJ file from another chugin as a template and made my own for NHHall. Using the steps below I was able to sucessfully build a .CHUG file for NHHall, but when trying to load the chugins in miniAudicle I get an error: [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error loading chugin 'NHHall.chug', skipping [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | error from chuck_dl: 'no version function found in dll 'C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins/NHHall.chug'' Not sure if this is a problem with the NHHall files or user error on my part. Anyone have NHHall working on windows 10?
Thanks Ben
After many days on stack overflow, trying to set up my laptop to use the VS 2010 build tools in the year 2018, I gave up and just tried stuff until I came up with this brute force method of installing the rest of the chugins
Step 1: git clone the git repo will be placed in C:\Users\<name>\chugins Open the makefile in C:\Users\<name>\chugins, the first lines are a list of chugins in the order they will be built/installed in. Put the chugin you want to install at the beginning, e.g. CHUGINS= Wavetable etc. ( This is just so that you don't have to go through the steps below for each of the chugins that are already installed).
Step 2a: You might get the following error when running $ make win32: msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, msbuild.exe /p:Configuration=Release, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
You need to find the directory containing msbuild.exe and add it the MINGW64 path, this worked for me:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319"
Step 2b: Open the VCXPROJ file in C:\Users\<name>\chugins\Wavetable, note that the first line indicates ToolsVersion="15.0" make sure you have the 15.0 buils tools for VS installed and that MINGW64 can access the folder:
$ export PATH=$PATH:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin"
Step 3: $ cd chugins $ make win32
Although I had all the build tools, compilers, and SDKs for the v100 platform toolset, chugins would not compile and I couldn't get past the following error:
error MSB8020: The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found.
I noticed on the github history that there was a fix on 01/17/18 that changed the VCXPROJ file for each chugin from <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> to <PlatformToolset>v100</PlatformToolset>. So as an experiment I changed this back to <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset> in the VCXPROJ file for the chugin (there are a few different lines of this in the file) NB: v141 did not work for each of them, for example Binaural needed v140 to compile
Step 4: run make win32 again. Should get a 'build succeeded" in the log
Step 5: make install. get the following error: $ make install CHUCK_STRICT=1 make -C Wavetabler/ install make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/Ben/chugins/Wavetable' gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o Wavetable.cpp process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, gcc -O3 -Werror -c -o Wavetable.o Wavetable.cpp, ...) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Step 6: move the contents of C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/Release to C:/Users/<name>/Wavetable/ and change the file name of Wavetable.obj to Wavetable.o
Step 7: run make install again. then move the Wavetable .CHUG file from C:/Users/<name>/chugins/Wavetable to C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins Double check that C:\Program Files\ChucK\chugins is a directory for chugins in miniAudicle and re-start miniAudicle. The chugin should be working now, at least avoiding the 'undefined type' error in miniAudicle. Virus-free. <#m_7404268726112291468_m_6872792077849536797_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:49 PM, Spencer Salazar <> wrote:
The main difference between the two is that when I was looking to use MidiRW, it didnt/doesn't actually work and is just a shell around an unimplemented interface, so MidiFileIn was added, which mostly just maps to STK's implementation.
On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Juan Reyes
wrote: Hi Michael, Mario,
Thanks a lot for the links. Need to try these classes, they look cleaner.
MidiFileIn inherits from STK also (sorry Gary but thanks!).
Not so sure about MidiRW either. Looks like it has methods to open, close, read and write MIDI files. Seems to me that it is also used in conjunction with MidiMsg. I guess its usage might be like opening and manipulating audio files.
-- Juan
LiCK contains NoteOn/NoteOff/ControlChangeMidiMsg classes that extend MidiMsg and hide some of the details.
Here's an example of how they might be used
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar, PhD Special Faculty Music Technology: Interaction, Intelligence, and Design California Institute of the Arts | +1 831.277.4654
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
participants (6)
Ben Sandvik
Juan Reyes
mario buoninfante
Mario Buoninfante
Michael Heuer
Spencer Salazar