Andrew C. Smith:
Where is the documentation for this stuff? I spent a ton of time just guessing and looking at other examples until I found out how to make an OSC event add a note to the end of an arpeggiating chord (very Glass-like). I got it working, although I might ask for help later on something related, but is there any comprehensive array documentation? I found .cap() used in the examples, but never explained. Thanks, Andrew
Hello Andrew, If you are familar with the java collections API, you may find the ArrayList class in LiCK easier to use than ChucK arrays. A bit more verbose though. http://github.com/heuermh/lick/tree/master ArrayList notes; for (0 => int i; i < 32; i++) { Note note; Math.rand2(440, 880) => note.freq; notes.add(note); } // sample notes randomly while (true) { notes.sample() $ Note @=> Note note; play(note); } // for loop for (0 => int i; i < notes.size(); i++) { notes.get(i) $ Note @=> Note note; play(note); } // iterator style notes.iterator() @=> Iterator iterator; while (iterator.hasNext()) { iterator.next() $ Note @=> Note note; play(note); } // functor style PlayNote playNote; notes.forEach(playNote); class PlayNote extends UnaryProcedure { fun void run(Object value) { value $ Note @=> Note note; play(note); } } etc. michael