Hello, I'm currently using the C*APS Eq10 10-band equalizer http://quitte.de/dsp/caps.html#CAPS_for_Electric_Guitar via the LADSPA ChuGin https://github.com/jwmatthys/chugins as part of an effect but all I really need is something to scoop the mids. I thought I might use the BRF band reject filter http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/ugen_full.html#BRF I can't tell how to set the bandwidth (or described another way, the range of frequencies around the center frequency that are rejected by the filter). I went off into reading Miller Puckette's book Theory and Techniques of Electronic Music http://msp.ucsd.edu/techniques.htm and am now lost somewhere in the imaginary plane. The definition of the Q parameter seems to vary among the different ChucK filters (resonance vs quality vs Q) and I suppose I should understand what that means. Feel free to tell me to go back to my reading. :) michael