Hello Mario, A long time ago, on this very list, some folks thought it would be a good idea to create a place to collect their ChucK code into a shared library. I volunteered to start such a library and LiCK was born. For one reason or another, LiCK didn't really take off as a community library. I would guess the primary reason is that LiCK comes off as more of a programmer library rather than a musician library. There is a lot of good stuff for musicians in there, I am just not so good at documentation! :) Going forward, I'm more than welcome to contributions via Github pull request or to the docs via FLOSS manuals. Or if a new shared library should be created from scratch, for another try at broader community involvement, I'm all for that as well. Cheers, michael On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 2:58 PM Mario Buoninfante < mario.buoninfante@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Michael,
Considering the nature of the thread, would you like to expand a bit on "The original intent was that it be a place for lots of people to dump their stuff, but that hasn't really happened"? I mean that seems exactly what I was looking for :) How do you see that happen, if it's still something you'd like to see happening?
Cheers, Mario
-- Electronic Musician, Creative Coder, QA Engineer https://vimeo.com/creativecodingsalerno http://mbuoninfante.tumblr.com https://github.com/mariobuoninfante https://bitbucket.org/mariobuoninfante On 23 Aug 2019 21:03, Michael Heuer
wrote: Hello Mario, Sarerac
Thank you for the reminder about the FLOSS manuals documentation — that is quite a bit out of date, and doesn't really mention much about making music. :)
Very generally, LiCK is where I dump all the stuff I write in ChucK. The original intent was that it be a place for lots of people to dump their stuff, but that hasn't really happened.
Nearly every class/effect/instrument has an example in the examples directory
The examples named *Pedal.ck work similar to a guitar pedal, I typically use them with an Apogee Jam interface, or my real multichannel interface, and this stomp board which acts as a keyboard (though it can also do MIDI over USB)
On Aug 21, 2019, at 4:07 PM, mario buoninfante < mario.buoninfante@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sarerac,
You can find more info about LiCK here: https://en.flossmanuals.net/chuck/_full/#lick-library-for-chuck https://en.flossmanuals.net/chuck/_full/#lick-library-for-chuck
Mario On 20/08/2019 17:39, sarerac wrote:
How is it implemented LiCK in Chuck? LiCK is a little confuse for me because i didn’t know it. Cheers Enviado desde mi iPhone
El 20 ago 2019, a las 0:29, mario buoninfante
escribió: Ehehe you're perfectly right Michael, and I have to say I love LiCK. I've learned tons just looking at the code in there.
The reason why I didn't think about it is because I was thinking more about something like Deken in Pure Data ( https://puredata.info/docs/Dekenhttps://puredata.info/docs/Deken).
A place where you can look for something and find it (if it exists). Now this something could be an important and well structured library like LiCK, but also a little script with only few Chubgraphs.
I don't know if this makes sense, but this is the kind of idea that popped up in my mind.
But maybe it isn't the right one, that's why I'd like to hear from you guys.