Kassen wrote:
It's HID-compliant with modification. There's some change you have to make by opening the unit, but I don't think it takes more than a screwdriver. Dan could say more... but it's probably on the Internet somewhere too. I've seen it used with ChucK.
I feel this post proves we need a list.
IMHO it's silly that all of this knowledge is so fragmented when a few minutes to write a summary per device could save others lots of time and money. I think Dan plays bowed instruments so his observations on a device like that would be quite interesting.
Some combination of compatibility chart (choose your favorite linux hardware wiki), manufacturer database + reviews (e.g. http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Computer+Recording+Interfaces), and Instructables (http://www.instructables.com/) features would be great. Not sure how to get everything in one place though. michael