Hello ChucKers, Good idea on having the documentation sprint -- it has sparked my interest in ChucK again. Given the time of year I thought I'd throw out my wish list for new ChucK features/enhancements: 1. Import/include mechanism with namespaces The import.ck mechanism in LiCK works ok, but is hard to maintain. All dependencies between classes have to be calculated manually so that all the Machine.adds are in the right order. Having 136 or however many it is classes in LiCK all in the same namespace (no namespace, or the "default package", that is) is a mess. 2. Java-style interface abstract classes, or multiple class inheritance I need either class Foo {} interface Bar {} interface Baz {} class Qux extends Foo implements Bar, Baz or class Foo {} class Bar {} class Baz {} class Qux extends Foo, Bar, Baz 3. Tool for generating ChucK class documentation from its source code (similar to doxygen or javadoc) 4. A way to soft-kill a shred when in an on-the-fly programming session By soft-kill, I mean kill the shread when it is no longer producing non-zero samples, not just kill it immediately. Using e.g. $ chuck - 1 is not pleasant when that shred is still producing sound. 5. Class/type introspection 6. Closures or function pointers 7. Constructors michael