At the end of November last year I posted to the list about a problem experiencing where chucks filters (lp, bpf etc) 'blow up' under certain conditions. Here's the archived post: https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/pipermail/chuck-users/2009-November/005045.ht... I wondered if anyone has made any progress with finding a solution and/or figuring out exactly what was causing this. In a couple of months I'll be performing with a synthesis environment that I was part way through creating in ChucK before I ran into the filter bug. I'm hoping that I don't have to switch back to max/msp to go further (i much prefer the chuck environment), so I thought i'd give this one more bump on the list to see if there may be a fix in SCM, or otherwise in the pipeline somehow. If anyone is able to fix this I'd be extremely grateful!