At the end of November last year I posted to the list about a problem experiencing where chucks filters (lp, bpf etc) 'blow up' under certain conditions. Here's the archived post: https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/pipermail/chuck-users/2009-November/005045.ht... I wondered if anyone has made any progress with finding a solution and/or figuring out exactly what was causing this. In a couple of months I'll be performing with a synthesis environment that I was part way through creating in ChucK before I ran into the filter bug. I'm hoping that I don't have to switch back to max/msp to go further (i much prefer the chuck environment), so I thought i'd give this one more bump on the list to see if there may be a fix in SCM, or otherwise in the pipeline somehow. If anyone is able to fix this I'd be extremely grateful!

2010/2/13 Tomasz Kaye's brain
In a couple of months I'll be performing with a synthesis environment that I was part way through creating in ChucK before I ran into the filter bug. I'm hoping that I don't have to switch back to max/msp to go further (i much prefer the chuck environment), so I thought i'd give this one more bump on the list to see if there may be a fix in SCM, or otherwise in the pipeline somehow.
If anyone is able to fix this I'd be extremely grateful!
Would it help to pipe stuff that might blow up through a Dyno? -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://ckvlang.org/

Would it help to pipe stuff that might blow up through a Dyno?
That's a good question. I'm not sure about the exact functioning of Dyno but the issue involves a filter jumping to about 14 orders of magnitude(!!!) over its expected amplitude in a extremely brief time. We would need a limiter with a attack of absolutely 0 and a infinity to 1 compression beyond a certain level (not just a very high ratio). Most limiters I know don't have those extremes. Normally it's assumed that input levels will be more or less reasonably set and such extreme response times are undesirable because of the effect they will have on the spectrum. Dyno does have a "ratio" setting but considering the really quite extreme magnitude of the signal to be corrected I would have doubts about our ability to correct it completely. We can't trust the volume will stay below the maximum value of a double-float because Nyquist allows for reconstructed waves that exceed the maximum value of a sample. Dividing that by the maximum float we can express still won't do and may still leave a amplitude that would be painful. What is needed here, IMHO, would be a combination of a normal limiter (with a high ratio beyond .9 amplitude or so) and a hard clip at 1. That still won't sound pleasant once things blow, but at least Tomasz's ears will live for another day and his partner and cat won't have to be startled by thrown headphones. To do that we could use the tutorial that Stephen wrote for adding a hard-clip as a UGen to ChucK, either rushing that in as a patch or by Tomasz recompiling ChucK. That would buy us some time to look into verifying the filters are stable at the set coefficients, at least for non-modulated filters. This is quite possible, I believe, and the current issue indicates that this isn't -yet- done or not correctly. We would still need to keep a clip at hand because of Perry's notes on modulated filters and their stability. I agree with Tomasz that this issue deserves priority because of the very real chance of physically harming users when combining sensitive headphones with the output jacks of MacBooks running OSX. I know we make no warranties but it would still be good to try to keep everyone healthy. I believe it's a good thing that Tomasz keeps addressing this because of that. It may be a rare scenario but I don't want to imagine combining this issue with a big PA and a audience accustomed to subtle sounds listening attentively. Of course in a live situation a hardware limiter may be used. I'd have one for you to borrow for a while, Tomasz, if that would help. Yours, Kas.

2010/2/14 Kassen
What is needed here, IMHO, would be a combination of a normal limiter (with a high ratio beyond .9 amplitude or so) and a hard clip at 1.
Your explanation makes sense. It seems I can make some pretty painful sounds with just 40000 => impulse.next; An option to enable hard clipping at a gain specified on the command line is the best choice, like chuck --clip4 for a +/- 4 limit. I think +/- 1 would be too low for a lot of people. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://ckvlang.org/

Tom; I think
+/- 1 would be too low for a lot of people.
On OS's with a integer-based audio structure that would be the absolute max anyway. I think that on OSX you'd clip the dac when the master volume would be set to unity gain and ChucK would go beyond +/-1 anyway. Basically you'd just end up with two more multiplications, I think. It doesn't really matter what we call the reference level anyway; it's just a matter of perspective relative to the final soundsystem. Yours, Kas.

If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow
a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's
the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my
MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
I know I should just test this myself instead of ask (I'm tired and going to
bed - i'll try tomorrow), but the point I'm making is that this filter bug
is bad in a way that can cause harm, and even though it may just the
MacBook, some kind of limiter should be put in there, I think.
2010/2/16 Kassen
Tom; I think
+/- 1 would be too low for a lot of people.
On OS's with a integer-based audio structure that would be the absolute max anyway. I think that on OSX you'd clip the dac when the master volume would be set to unity gain and ChucK would go beyond +/-1 anyway.
Basically you'd just end up with two more multiplications, I think. It doesn't really matter what we call the reference level anyway; it's just a matter of perspective relative to the final soundsystem.
Yours, Kas.
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- Release me, insect, or I will destroy the Cosmos!

2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack. IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas.

Yes, you don't blow the speaker. I've done it many times, and actually use that filter blowing up sound as a musical tool (routed through an external mixer). It's so unpredictable that it's really fun. In fact, this awesome sound was one of the reasons I got into ChucK and the primary reason I keep my old PowerBook around. Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers! Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero. 100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know.
Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader.
This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player.
Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921
Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Yes, you don't blow the speaker. I've done it many times, and actually use that filter blowing up sound as a musical tool (routed through an external mixer). It's so unpredictable that it's really fun. In fact, this awesome sound was one of the reasons I got into ChucK and the primary reason I keep my old PowerBook around.
We wouldn't lose that though. The "Filter" class is perfectly capable of letting you enjoy endless amounts of unstable or "mostly stable" filters. LPF (etc) on the other hand is supposed to be stable, dependable and convenient. The convenience filters merely extend Filter. I do agree that it can sound good. Some of the reverbs can under some conditions go quite out of control as well. I've a audience applaud that. I was a bit ambiguous about that as I was trying to livecode a more sensitive atmospheric piece but yes, it can sound good.
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
I suspect so but I do believe that there are indications that some of us were a bit loony before we started ChucKing. more research will be needed. At the very least a control group. kas.

2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables... (sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;) -Mike
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option.
On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know.
Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader.
This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player.
Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921
Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck
for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven
by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there
workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at
all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option.
On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know.
Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader.
This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player.
Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921
Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

Is there a difference between the way that filters blow up in, say,
Supercollider than there is in Chuck? Because my understanding is that
those algorithms just... blow up, if you push on them too much. Am I wrong
here? It wouldn't be the first time...
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option.
On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know.
Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader.
This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player.
Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921
Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

I'm not sure about Supercollider, but in max, i generally use the svf~
object: a state variable filter with separate outputs for LPF HPF BPF and
band stop. It doesn't blow up when you modulate its cutoff or resonance
inputs, so it's very straightforward to plug into subtractive synthesis
patches. I'm looking for a similarly 'tolerant' filter ugen (or collection
of ugens) in ChucK.
2010/3/1 mike clemow
Is there a difference between the way that filters blow up in, say, Supercollider than there is in Chuck? Because my understanding is that those algorithms just... blow up, if you push on them too much. Am I wrong here? It wouldn't be the first time...
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck
for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option.
On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down.
This is what we know.
Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader.
This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player.
Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921
Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

@mike again. I made a little video showing the max equivalent of the
principle I'm hoping to be able to apply in ChucK: http://vimeo.com/9852367
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Tomasz Kaye's brain wrote: @mike I'm not sure about Supercollider, but in max, i generally use the svf~
object: a state variable filter with separate outputs for LPF HPF BPF and
band stop. It doesn't blow up when you modulate its cutoff or resonance
inputs, so it's very straightforward to plug into subtractive synthesis
patches. I'm looking for a similarly 'tolerant' filter ugen (or collection
of ugens) in ChucK. 2010/3/1 mike clemow Curious... Is there a difference between the way that filters blow up in, say,
Supercollider than there is in Chuck? Because my understanding is that
those algorithms just... blow up, if you push on them too much. Am I wrong
here? It wouldn't be the first time... ;) Mike 2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like: Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level
driven by an ADSR) ? Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there
workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this
way? (Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if
at all possible) 2010/2/17 mike clemow OT: 2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers! Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess
Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her.
The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits
and start mumbling Sumerian syllables... (sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few
short weeks ago. ;) -Mike Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into
Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This
actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and
changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote: 2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to
blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down?
That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes
my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero. 100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0
That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would
happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers;
there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-). From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker.
If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the
maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the
dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high
volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes
by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with
virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master
volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value
to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this
case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take.
If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a
higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware
amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a
lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume,
but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down
for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with
with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a
situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ
headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the
same volume setting for a headphone jack. IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there
hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring
videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional
output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe
in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because
of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection
it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this
sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the
findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours,
chuck-users mailing list
https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users _______________________________________________
chuck-users mailing list
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I use SndBuf => ResonZ => Envelope => DAC frequently in live
performances. Even though the center frequency and Q of the ResonZ
are controlled by pitch bend and modulation wheel (respectively), I've
never had any problems with stability. Am I missing something? :)
- Rob
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

Hi Robert. Thanks for the pointer, that's very useful.
I'd stayed away from RezonZ until now because I thought it would be wisest
to begin by using filter types I already knew (or thought i knew) from other
environments: LPF BPF and HPF.
I saw that RezonZ doesn't have the runaway tendency of the other three when
plugged into the test patch (and now I think I understand the significance
of the line in the RezonZ ugen documentation: "keeps gain under control
independent of frequency").
I'll have a try at getting RezonZ act as a rough approximation of the other
three filter types (any further pointers anyone can offer in this direction
would be great), and try again to do some reading around musical
applications of biquad filters, though filter-related writing tends to make
my head hurt :)
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Robert Poor
I use SndBuf => ResonZ => Envelope => DAC frequently in live performances. Even though the center frequency and Q of the ResonZ are controlled by pitch bend and modulation wheel (respectively), I've never had any problems with stability. Am I missing something? :)
- Rob
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess
created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level),
changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned
That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of
dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In
case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a
output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set
it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
: the this optional protection this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

i have no idea if this will help, but i've been meaning to bring the old gQ filter stuff to ChucK for sometime. gQ is a really nice filter: http://www.music.princeton.edu/~dan/gQpage/gQ.html it might be more stable. maybe not. it usually sounds real nice. in any case, here it is, and it seems to work ok. probably should make a class out of it... //==================================== //gQ lives! //dan trueman 2010 Noise n => BiQuad gq => dac; 0.1 => gq.gain; //need these: 0 => int PEAKNOTCH; 1 => int LOWSHELF; 2 => int HIGHSHELF; 2. * pi => float twopi; 1::second/1::samp => float thisSR; //set everything setFreqBoostBandwidth(440., 10., 0.1, LOWSHELF); //yay, hang out 1::day => now; //main function for setting biquad params fun void setFreqBoostBandwidth(float freq, float boost, float thisBandwidth, int type) { float d, a_boost, a_cut, Vzero, true_bw; freq * thisBandwidth => true_bw; boost - 1. => Vzero; //a's are pole coeffs, b's are zero coeffs //PEAK/NOTCH CASE if (type == PEAKNOTCH) { (Math.tan(true_bw*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - 1.) / (Math.tan(true_bw*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + 1.) => a_boost; (Math.tan(true_bw*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - boost) / (Math.tan(true_bw*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + boost) => a_cut; -Math.cos(freq*twopi/thisSR) => d; /* cut */ if(boost <= 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 + a_cut)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; d*(1 - a_cut) => gq.b1; (-a_cut - (1 + a_cut)*Vzero/2.0) => gq.b2; d*(1.0 - a_cut) => gq.a1; -a_cut => gq.a2; } /* boost */ if(boost > 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 + a_boost)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; d*(1 - a_boost) => gq.b1; (-a_boost - (1 + a_boost)*Vzero/2.0) => gq.b2; d*(1.0 - a_boost) => gq.a1; -a_boost => gq.a2; } } //LOW SHELF CASE else if (type == LOWSHELF) { (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - 1.) / (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + 1.) => a_boost; (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - boost) / (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + boost) => a_cut; /* cut */ if(boost <= 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 + a_cut)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; a_cut + (1 + a_cut)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b1; 0. => gq.b2; a_cut => gq.a1; 0. => gq.a2; } /* boost */ if(boost > 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 + a_boost)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; a_boost + (1 + a_boost)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b1; 0. => gq.b2; a_boost => gq.a1; 0. => gq.a2; } } //HIGH SHELF CASE else if (type == HIGHSHELF) { (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - 1.) / (Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + 1.) => a_boost; (boost*Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) - 1.) / (boost*Math.tan(freq*twopi/(2.*thisSR)) + 1.) => a_cut; /* cut */ if(boost <= 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 - a_cut)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; a_cut + (a_cut - 1.)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b1; 0. => gq.b2; a_cut => gq.a1; 0. => gq.a2; } /* boost */ if(boost > 1.0) { 1.0 + (1.0 - a_boost)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b0; a_boost + (a_boost - 1.)*Vzero/2.0 => gq.b1; 0. => gq.b2; a_boost => gq.a1; 0. => gq.a2; } } } //==================================== On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Tomasz Kaye's brain wrote:
Hi Robert. Thanks for the pointer, that's very useful.
I'd stayed away from RezonZ until now because I thought it would be wisest to begin by using filter types I already knew (or thought i knew) from other environments: LPF BPF and HPF.
I saw that RezonZ doesn't have the runaway tendency of the other three when plugged into the test patch (and now I think I understand the significance of the line in the RezonZ ugen documentation: "keeps gain under control independent of frequency").
I'll have a try at getting RezonZ act as a rough approximation of the other three filter types (any further pointers anyone can offer in this direction would be great), and try again to do some reading around musical applications of biquad filters, though filter-related writing tends to make my head hurt :)
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Robert Poor
wrote: Tomasz: I use SndBuf => ResonZ => Envelope => DAC frequently in live performances. Even though the center frequency and Q of the ResonZ are controlled by pitch bend and modulation wheel (respectively), I've never had any problems with stability. Am I missing something? :)
- Rob
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
: About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess Asherah created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack and into Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then able to blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller than the maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine that with with potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ headphones will output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a optional output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

2010/3/2 Daniel Trueman
i have no idea if this will help, but i've been meaning to bring the old gQ filter stuff to ChucK for sometime. gQ is a really nice filter:
That's a good idea in any case. More filters would be better. I'd still like a a state-variable filter with three outputs. Such filters are spectacularly useful in modular synthesis yet often under-appreciated in the digital context.
it might be more stable. maybe not. it usually sounds real nice. in any case, here it is, and it seems to work ok. probably should make a class out of it...
Sounds great! I'd say, BTW, that unless this is implemented as a new object with three outputs it could also be made a part of the old plan to extend LPF, BPF and HPF to be able to switch to different topographies. I have to say though that the plain "convenience" filters like BPF are -from memory- 2nd order Butterworth filters. That's hardly a exotic type of filter. At the very least they should be stable for static settings with a reasonable Q. For what I understand of DSP there are two ways to get into the current situation; you can make a typo or reasoning error in the function that sets the coefficients or there can be instabilities induced by rounding due to finite word-length. These can be checked for, though of course at some computational price. These, IMHO, need to be fixed, as something is plainly buggy there. How much time would this take from somebody who is fluent in C/C++ (needed to evaluate the rounding possibility) and not too scared of the Z-plane stuff? I'd look into it myself but I'd be out of my league in both fields. Yours, Kas.

@kassen These, IMHO, need to be fixed, as something is plainly buggy there. How much
time would this take from somebody who is fluent in C/C++ (needed to evaluate the rounding possibility) and not too scared of the Z-plane stuff? I'd look into it myself but I'd be out of my league in both fields.
I've asked a friend who's knowledgeable about DSP. He had a look at the ChucK source and seems optimistic that he (or one of his peers) may be able to find a solution for achieving stable, sweepable filter(s). Hard to say whether it will work out at this early stage though.

I found a great way to blow up RezonZ today. Give it a freq value beyond the sample rate. Noise n => Resonz z => dac; 1.0 => z.Q; Std.mtof(440) => z.freq;//whoops!!! -- gave mtof a cps value instead of a midi value. This gets REALLY loud on a Mac. Hope this gets looked at. In the meantime watch your ears. Later. Kurt ........................................................ http://www.kurtKotheimer.com ....................................................... On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Tomasz Kaye's brain wrote:
Hi Robert. Thanks for the pointer, that's very useful.
I'd stayed away from RezonZ until now because I thought it would be wisest to begin by using filter types I already knew (or thought i knew) from other environments: LPF BPF and HPF.
I saw that RezonZ doesn't have the runaway tendency of the other three when plugged into the test patch (and now I think I understand the significance of the line in the RezonZ ugen documentation: "keeps gain under control independent of frequency").
I'll have a try at getting RezonZ act as a rough approximation of the other three filter types (any further pointers anyone can offer in this direction would be great), and try again to do some reading around musical applications of biquad filters, though filter-related writing tends to make my head hurt :)
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Robert Poor
wrote: Tomasz: I use SndBuf => ResonZ => Envelope => DAC frequently in live performances. Even though the center frequency and Q of the ResonZ are controlled by pitch bend and modulation wheel (respectively), I've never had any problems with stability. Am I missing something? :)
- Rob
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The Goddess
created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack
and into
Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then
able to
blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller
maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine
potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ
output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised
hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a
output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
: than the that with with headphones will there optional protection it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

Kurt: Has nobody told you that a synthesis system that won't produce occasional bleeding eardrums is a BORING synthesis system? :) Best, - r On 2010Apr01, at 17:07, Kurt Kotheimer wrote:
I found a great way to blow up RezonZ today. Give it a freq value beyond the sample rate. Noise n => Resonz z => dac; 1.0 => z.Q; Std.mtof(440) => z.freq;//whoops!!! -- gave mtof a cps value instead of a midi value. This gets REALLY loud on a Mac. Hope this gets looked at. In the meantime watch your ears. Later. Kurt ........................................................ http://www.kurtKotheimer.com .......................................................
On Mar 1, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Tomasz Kaye's brain wrote:
Hi Robert. Thanks for the pointer, that's very useful.
I'd stayed away from RezonZ until now because I thought it would be wisest to begin by using filter types I already knew (or thought i knew) from other environments: LPF BPF and HPF.
I saw that RezonZ doesn't have the runaway tendency of the other three when plugged into the test patch (and now I think I understand the significance of the line in the RezonZ ugen documentation: "keeps gain under control independent of frequency").
I'll have a try at getting RezonZ act as a rough approximation of the other three filter types (any further pointers anyone can offer in this direction would be great), and try again to do some reading around musical applications of biquad filters, though filter- related writing tends to make my head hurt :)
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:00 PM, Robert Poor
wrote: Tomasz: I use SndBuf => ResonZ => Envelope => DAC frequently in live performances. Even though the center frequency and Q of the ResonZ are controlled by pitch bend and modulation wheel (respectively), I've never had any problems with stability. Am I missing something? :)
- Rob
About the filter problem: does it mean that currently no one is using chuck for classic sutractive synthesis patches like:
Oscillators -> Filters (cuttof driven by an ADSR) -> Amplifier (Level driven by an ADSR) ?
Are people just not doing this kind of routing in ChucK yet, or are there workarounds that avoid the filters going unstable when modulated in this way?
(Sorry to keep on about this, but I'm really keen to keep using ChucK if at all possible)
2010/2/17 mike clemow
2010/2/16 Andrew C. Smith
Seems that ChucK can crash brains, not just computers!
Chuck's filter code is actually written in Sumerian. The
Goddess Asherah
created Chuck to erase peoples' minds and make them worship her. The sound is actually a nam-shub and if you hear it, you will lose your wits and start mumbling Sumerian syllables...
(sorry, i couldn't help this outburst. i finished the book just a few short weeks ago. ;)
Actually, my other solution was to run the audio through Jack
and into
Logic, where I can do a much better job of controlling the volume. This actually doesn't distort (since the distortion comes at the dac level), and changes the sound entirely. Anyway, just an option. -Andrew On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Kassen wrote:
2010/2/16 Stefan Blixt
If you do SinOsc s=> dac and the 100.0 => s.gain, are you then
able to
blow a speaker on a Mac laptop even if it's main volume is turned down? That's the curious thing to me, how the filter messes up so badly it makes my MacBook's speaker scream even though the volume is almost down to zero.
100? Try something like this value for a output; 242210436022272.0 That's a actual recorded output of .last(). I'm not sure what would happen if something of that volume would be played back on real speakers; there is probably a UN convention against that kind of thing ;-).
From what I understand of the situation you wouldn't blow the speaker. If Apple was smart they put in a pre-amp that's slightly smaller
maximum load of the speaker yet slightly over-speced for the output of the dac to keep repairs down. But yes; apparently you will can get a very high volume even though the (software) fader is down. This is what we know. Then from that I speculated (and unless something more credible comes by I think it's a good theory) that Apple is doing everything in float (with virtually unlimited headroom for practical applications), setting the master volume with a floating point multiplication, and handing the resultant value to the dac where inevitably it will be turned into a plain integer. In this case that integer will be the highest volume the poor little dac can take. If that's not it I can't imagine why +/- some 15 digit number would have a higher amplitude than +/-1, as a final output, post master fader. This is cheap compared to tweaking the voltage on the final hardware amp (which would always preserve the full bit-range) and probably sounds a lot better than going integer and throwing away a lot of bits at low volume, but it fails to take into account that we may not just turn the volume down for a more pleasant listen but also to protect our ears. Combine
potentially very sensitive studio or DJ headphones and you have a situation that may lead to hearing damage. I know that my own pro DJ
output a lot more volume than my mid-range earbuds at the same volume setting for a headphone jack.
IMHO this would be a oversight by Apple and I'm a bit surprised
hasn't been a storm of practical joke mails aimed at OSX users featuring videoclips embedding floating-point audio. I'd offer at least a
output limiter like what has been proposed for mp3 players. I don't believe in those for protecting children's ears through mandatory regulation because of the differences in headphone output volume, but for user-set
it might be a good idea. Of course ChucK is a bit more likely to cause this sort of issue than the average off-the-shelf audio player. Here is the original topic if you'd like to try to reproduce
2010/3/1 Tomasz Kaye's brain
: than the that with with headphones will there optional protection the findings so far; http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37921 Yours, Kas. _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
-- http://michaelclemow.com http://semiotech.org
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

2010/4/2 Robert Poor
Has nobody told you that a synthesis system that won't produce occasional bleeding eardrums is a BORING synthesis system?
I don't think filters are expected to function stably beyond the Nyquist anywhere. This could be grounds for a warning message or we could document it and leave it to the user to experiment with the noises that he can get that way. I like the last option. Nobody is suggesting that we proof ChucK against blowing up in general (that would make for a very boring language indeed) but I really don't see why things would have to be as they are on Mac's. With a hard clip (using something new like dac.clip() ) all of the current behaviour could be had by turning the system's volume up to max, then setting dac.gain(). In addition a solution like that could give safety to those who might need/want it. Can't we simply file a bug report against OSX about this? There is a dual issue here of OSX passing on floats in situations where they clearly make no sense and there being a problem with the convenience filters sometimes coming up with unstable sets of coefficients. These happen to interact in this way but they are quite separate, to me. Yours, Kas.

2010/4/1 Robert Poor
Has nobody told you that a synthesis system that won't produce occasional bleeding eardrums is a BORING synthesis system? :)
My favorite recent blow-up happens when you tweak StifKarp's sustain too much. I use speakers not powerful enough to kill me, and I have to say, StifKarp sounds way cooler when it's broken than when it's working. -- Tom Lieber http://AllTom.com/ http://ckvlang.org/

Tom; My favorite recent blow-up happens when you tweak StifKarp's sustain
too much. I use speakers not powerful enough to kill me, and I have to say, StifKarp sounds way cooler when it's broken than when it's working.
I had interesting results tweaking the excitement position of some of the physical models through a joypad's tilt-sensor. Vigorous shaking would result in drones, provided a note was already playing (though not necessarily being struck) ... Those don't always lead to clipping (immediately). Not sure what's up there, but apparently this injects some energy into the system somehow. Yours, Kas.
participants (9)
Andrew C. Smith
Daniel Trueman
Kurt Kotheimer
mike clemow
Robert Poor
Stefan Blixt
Tom Lieber
Tomasz Kaye's brain