Kassen wrote:
Michael Heuer wrote:
Lucas Zawacki wrote:
I think this hidden gem was mentioned by Kassen somewhere and I've used it ever since to manipulate MIDI: http://www.rattus.net/~packrat/audio/ChucK/
Ah yes, thanks Lucas, just found this on the ChucK wiki. Is the author Bruce on the mailing list?
He used to be, at least, that's how I first heard about this, I think. People develop and intrests change; I'm not sure he still is on the list.
Maybe someone else can help explain this part to me then? I'm not good at bit-twidding. ((command & 0xf) << 4) | ((channel - 1) & 0xf) => midimessage.data1; command | channel => command; byte1 & 0x7f => midimessage.data2; byte2 & 0x7f => midimessage.data3; midiport.send(midimessage); Why is the ... => command; line there? Isn't that dead code? The bitwise and value for data2 and data3 (0x7f) is not the same I see in this java midi library (0xff) https://github.com/heuermh/rwmidi/blob/2d73ac726f5000c85dd7aa3eb160872acb60a... Thanks, michael