Hi Kas,
Thanks, if this works that's fine with me a ftos or .toString() would be
even better of course ;)
Van: chuck-users-bounces@lists.cs.princeton.edu
[mailto:chuck-users-bounces@lists.cs.princeton.edu] Namens Kassen
Verzonden: vrijdag 21 mei 2010 17:49
Aan: ChucK Users Mailing List
Onderwerp: Re: [chuck-users] Flush ChucK IO
A different question I now have is, how do I convert a float to a string?
Haven't been able to find this in the documentation/examples. :(
Strangely casting doesn't work (I feel it should). This works though;
3 => float foo;
string bar;
foo +=> bar;
That's more or less a implicit cast.
We can also make it a bit nicer and create a function that you could use
inside of the creation of your OSC messages;
//Float TO String converter
fun string ftos(float arg)
string bar;
arg +=> bar;
return bar;
//trivial test