mike clemow wrote:
A proposal:
This is great stuff, actually. I'm really excited about the prospect of putting together a really great List/Collection/Array class lib so that we no longer have to look on in envy of SuperCollider's arrays (just speaking from experience here ;-).
I'm totally willing to re-work my current code, which abstracts a pattern of grain definitions for granular synthesis, to use or extend a more abstract superclass of objects in an array. I have time to work on this (and get course credit for it, happily).
So, there's Michael's List, ListArray, etc classes and we also have heard from Dan, who's working on something similar. I'm wondering if we can pool our efforts and make something really useful and complete.
Is there any interest in this? If yes, how should we go about setting this up?
Hopefully we can invite "Mies" into the mix: http://electro-music.com/forum/topic-19513-0.html http://chuck-lib.wikispaces.com/Utils michael