Re: [chuck-users] keyboard fail

Spencer and Bob,
The problem is not exclusively an El Capitan issue. It was already happening in Yosemite before she upgraded.
We have tried other device numbers. If it is a correct device number, it will open the keyboard but not receive data. If it is an incorrect device number, it gives the 'couldn’t open' response. (As I indicated, we also tried connecting an external USB keyboard.)
Fra: Bob Bob

On an MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) with El Capitan version
10.11.1 the internal keyboard works ok for me with chuck built from git head
$ chuck --version
chuck version: (chimera)
mac os x : intel : 64-bit
$ chuck --loop
[chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (
keyboard ' Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad ' ready
1# 30
2# 31
3# 32
4# 33
5# 34
q# 20
w# 26
e# 8
r# 21
t# 23
y# 28
# 224
# 6
^C[chuck]: cleaning up...
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Bob Bob

Hi Chuckers, I just tried the PowerADSR chugins. When used like a classical ADSR with function set() it works fine. But when I add the setCurves() function after the sustain part of my sound disapear. I checked the PowerADSR.cpp file and found something suspect line 235: float setDecayCurve( t_CKFLOAT dc) { m_decayCurve = dc; * m_sustainLevel = m_currentLevel;* m_decayCount = 0; return dc; } When setting the Decay curve, the function set sustain to current level. When the ADSR is off it reset it to zero. When I comment this line 235 PowerADSR works like I expect. I don't know what is the goal of this line so maybe it is not a propper fix. Note there is the same kind of action line 192 in the setDecay function. Some can also experiments problem with that, I think. Cheers, Julien
participants (4)
Bob Bob
David Loberg Code
Julien Saint-Martin
Michael Heuer