Observer and Observable

I realize that the Event model in Chuck handles events, but it seems to be implicitly time-based. This is a good thing. I could be completely mistaken, but it seems that for something to respond to an event, a t(s)hread is f(sp)orked, time is stopped, and the thread waits for an event to come in from another running thread before proceeding. But what if you want a process in a thread to change from an event, but not to stop what it's doing waiting for said event. There may be a Chuckish way to approach this, but here is a possible solution. In some experiments, I implemented a simple Observer pattern for signaling without being dependent on time, i.e., to send events to objects within a single thread (named like in Java classes minus some functions) ... not sure if this is useful, but it initially began as an experiment in efficiency. At the moment, using Observer type signals over Events does not seem to save any cpu, but it did allow me to spawn 1/3 fewer threads. In a situation where you have many instances that need events without keeping their own time, this might useful. To use: extend Observer class for all objects you want to register with an signal producer (an Observable)... and visa versa (extend Observable) for those who are going to be sending signal. You will need to write a Signal class or something equivalent to get a rich message to the receivers (Observers), but whatever. For more on the topic for those unfamiliar with what I am talking about, see Java Observer/Observable - signal/slot in C++ or Head First Design Patterns, which has a nice clear explanation (and some corny pictures). Also for those interested, I also have a Dispatcher class for a collection of Observables, indexed by string. More like sig/slot. I suppose you could also create "ObservableObservers" if you just renamed the class and stuck the Observer update() function in Observable. Same basic concept though: event signaling without Events. Please let me know if I have any typos, or if the example program is convoluted or just doesnt work. David class Observer { function void update(){} // receive } class Observable { 20 => int size; // this could be any size... just be reasonable. In the near-term this should be a "dynamic array" Observer observers[size]; int count; function void addObserver(Observer o) // subscribe { if(count < size){ o @=> this.observers[count]; count++; } } // is this properly garbage collected? // if its not, there could be orphaned objects, and a growing application, right? function void deleteObserver(Observer o) // unsubscribe { for(0 => int i; i < count; i++){ if( observers[i] == o ){ if(i >= 0 && i < count) { for(i => int j; j < count; j++) { observers[i + 1] @=> observers[i]; } } count--; } } } function void notifyObservers() // publish { for(0 => int i; i < count; i++){ this.observers[i].update(s); } } } class Receiver extends Observer { func void update() { <<< "I got something." >>>; } } // make some instances Receiver r; Receiver r2; Observable observable; // register the observers (who receive) with the observable (who signals) observable.addObserver(r); observable.addObserver(r2); // send the signal observable.notifyObservers(); // should print: // $ "I got something" // $ "I got something" // remove an observer observable.deleteObserver(r2); // send the signal observable.notifyObservers(); // should print: // $ "I got something"

Just checking in to see how things are progressing (checking in with an ulterior motive: a development project that none of my current tools deal with well, but that fully implemented Chuck would deal with beautifully. Question: Have user-defined UGENs been implemented yet? The docs say no, but I do know that the docs don't always keep up with the reality. Supplementary Question: Have external objects (plugins/loadable UGENS implemented in native external DLLs/libs) been implemented yet? The docs say yes, but the last time I checked, the implementation had been orphaned.

Robin Davies wrote:
Supplementary Question: Have external objects (plugins/loadable UGENS implemented in native external DLLs/libs) been implemented yet? The docs say yes, but the last time I checked, the implementation had been orphaned.
I noticed the same thing, but aside from the loading syntax not being recognized the same mechanism is used for a lot of ChucK's internal code. For what I'm messing with I just decided to add my new classes directly to ChucK. It's just a matter of adding a couple lines to the Makefile and then to load_internal_modules(...) in chuck_compile.cpp. On the other hand, actually fixing the loader presumably wouldn't be a significant amount of work relative to the work of building any external component of significance. -Scott

Robin Davies wrote:
Supplementary Question: Have external objects (plugins/loadable UGENS implemented in native external DLLs/libs) been implemented yet? The docs say yes, but the last time I checked, the implementation had been orphaned.
that would be really great! i have a couple of ideas that could be easily implemented with plugins. text to speech for example... best joerg --
participants (4)
David Michael
joerg piringer
Robin Davies
Scott Wheeler