Hello list, some time ago I reported the following as a possible bug on the wiki: * Assigining window to ifft seems to yield "poorer" results than not assigning it. Try it in /examples/win.ck and you'll notice a rougher (faster beating) sound. (eduard) However, looking again at the code of win.ck I realised the size of the window was set to the half of fft_size. Unless zero-padding is performed, shouldn't window_size and fft_size be the same? Anyway, setting the window size to fft_size (both for forward fft and iverse fft) yields correct results in examples/win.ck. This applies to some of my previous emails where brick wall filters and vocoder were discussed. That is, window_size should be set to fft_size and resulting spectrum to fft_size/2. But now I am also concerned about the size of the spectrum. In chuck this is FFT_SIZE/2, but shouldn't it be FFT_SIZE/2+1 or does the first value in spectrum hold both DC and Nyquist components? By the way, could chuck perform zero-padding when window_size < fft_size? eduard
participants (1)
eduard aylon