I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each. I have two cound cards in the system. The first is onboard and I normally use for system sounds, browsers, etc. The second is the HDSP which I normally use with Jack: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 0: Intel ICH [NVidia CK804] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: CK804 [NVidia CK804], device 2: Intel ICH - IEC958 [NVidia CK804 - IEC958] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: DSP [Hammerfall DSP], device 0: RME Hammerfall HDSP 9652 [RME Hammerfall HDSP 9652] Subdevices: 0/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I can play audio through the first card using aplay, as I do here: aplay /home/mark/Desktop/My\ Data/Music/Painting\ After\ Hours/AFTERHOURS\ EDM\ pahPROMO\ 01.wav Using Alsa chuck seems to be unhappy with my first sound card. Same results using 44.1K or 48K: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.alsa --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck [chuck]: (via rtaudio): no devices found for given stream parameters: ... RtApiAlsa: pcm device (hw:CK804,0) won't open: Device or resource busy. ... RtApiAlsa: pcm device (hw:CK804,1) won't open: No such file or directory. ... RtApiAlsa: error setting sample rate (44100) on device (hw:CK804,2): Invalid argument. ... RtApiAlsa: pcm capture open (hw:DSP,0) error: Device or resource busy. [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I don't see how the device is busy in the sense that I have no problem playing audio through it with aplay. When I try to use chuck with the second card I see the segfault. Jack is running at 44.1K: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.jack --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck.jack --srate44100 ChuckExample1.ck --verbose [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): setting log level to: 5 (INFORM)... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing virtual machine... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | behavior: HALT [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | locking down special objects... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating shreduler... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | allocating messaging buffers... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | real-time audio: YES [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | mode: CALLBACK [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | sample rate: 44100 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | buffer size: 512 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | num buffers: 8 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | devices adc: 0 dac: 0 (default 0) [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | channels in: 2 out: 2 [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing compiler... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing type checker... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | adding base classes... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'object' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'array' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'string' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'ugen' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uanablob' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'uana' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'shred' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'event' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'io' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | | class 'class' [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing emitter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | loading built-in modules... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module osc... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xxx... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module filter... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module STK... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module xform... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | module extract... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'machine'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'std'... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | initializing KBHitManager... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | starting kb loop... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'math'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | class 'opsc'... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): type dependency resolution: MANUAL [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): initializing synthesis engine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'dac'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'adc'... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing 'blackhole'... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): | initializing 'real-time' audio... [chuck]:(5:INFORM): | | initializing callback... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | | new buffer size: 512 -> 256 [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | allocating buffers for 256 x 2 samples... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): starting compilation... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): starting listener on port: 8888... [chuck]:(2:SYSTEM): running virtual machine... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | initializing audio buffers... [chuck]:(3:SEVERE): | virtual machine running... Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I hope this is just me making some small mistake. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Mark

Mark Knecht wrote:
I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each.
Hello Mark, if you are on the gentoo 64-bit no-multilib profile then ChucK will compile but not work. You might be able to get things working if you are on multilib and can build 32-bit versions of ChucK's dependencies. michael

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Michael Heuer
Mark Knecht wrote:
I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each.
Hello Mark, if you are on the gentoo 64-bit no-multilib profile then ChucK will compile but not work. You might be able to get things working if you are on multilib and can build 32-bit versions of ChucK's dependencies.
Thanks to Rogan for the welcome. Michael, Thanks for the feedback. I am using multilib but I presume that Chuck is being built as a 64-bit app. I'll have to learn how to build it as a 32-bit app. I've never done that. I made some small headway. If I first eselect the chuck.jack profile then the command chuck --srate44100 --loop starts Chuck as (I guess - I'm learning!) a Chuck server. At this point I see Chuck in qjackctl and everything is fine. (So far...) It's hooked up to some outputs on the HDSP9652 as it should be. I then execute in another terminal chuck + ChuckExample1.ck and I see this in the first terminal: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ chuck --srate44100 --loop [chuck](VM): sporking incoming shred: 1 (ChuckExample1.ck)...Segmentation fault mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ If it matters the example is just from the first page of the documentation: mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ cat ChuckExample1.ck // connect sine oscillator to D/A convertor (sound card) SinOsc s => dac; mark@lightning ~/Desktop $ I'll go read some Gentoo docs or ask for help on how to build as a 320bit app. Thanks, Mark

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Michael Heuer
Mark Knecht wrote:
I've been trying to get started with Chuck today but am having problems. My platform is Gentoo 64-bit. I've tried compiling chuck with both Alsa and Jack support and am having some trouble with each.
Hello Mark, if you are on the gentoo 64-bit no-multilib profile then ChucK will compile but not work. You might be able to get things working if you are on multilib and can build 32-bit versions of ChucK's dependencies.
Hey Michael, Thanks for the idea. I got lucky. After looking at waht Chuck installed I saw that it was really just a single file for each sound environment. (Alsa and Jack in my case) I built Chuck on my wife's 32-bit Gentoo machine and copied the executables to my 64-bit desktop. The Alsa one seems to work fine. I've playing a number of donated files from the forums and they seem to be working fine. The Jack version isn't working. That may be a mismatch between the ways the two machines are set up so I'll check that out later, but for now at least I have sound and can start studying. I apprecaite your help! Cheers, Mark

Mark Knecht wrote:
That may be a mismatch between the ways the two machines are set up so I'll check that out later, but for now at least I have sound and can start studying.
A thought: I find that if I do "make linux-alsa" and then "make linux-jack" the second binary is messed up somehow, seems like a Makefile problem. So what I normally do is to *always* build from a fresh un-tar'ed source. Could be worth a try... -- Atte http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:40 PM, Atte André Jensen
Mark Knecht wrote:
That may be a mismatch between the ways the two machines are set up so I'll check that out later, but for now at least I have sound and can start studying.
A thought:
I find that if I do "make linux-alsa" and then "make linux-jack" the second binary is messed up somehow, seems like a Makefile problem. So what I normally do is to *always* build from a fresh un-tar'ed source. Could be worth a try...
-- Atte
I'll look at that. Thanks. It seems like that's what the Gentoo ebuild is actually doing. I watch it build the code and it builds it twice. For now working with the Alsa version is more than challenging for me. As I'm not by training or trade a programmer this will take come time and with all the great examples I'm certainly not limited by not having Jack. Cheers, Mark
participants (3)
Atte André Jensen
Mark Knecht
Michael Heuer