Re: [chuck-users] ChucK output bit depth, etc. (OS X)

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Ge Wang
Hi Matt!
What is ChucK's default output bit-depth?
By default, ChucK talks to CoreAudio at 32-bit floating point.
16? every time I run it from the command line is resets the bit depth in OS X 10.4.7's Audio MIDI Settings to 16 bits. Is there a way to specify this.
Currently, there is no way to specify this. It would be worth adding! It's strange that it's getting set to 16-bit. Are you using the universal binary downloaded from site?
Yes, I am. Good to know this, though. It's very odd that the Audio MIDI settings can be changed like that by various applications (not just ChucK). But yes, if I reset it to 24 bit, the moment I run ChucK it returns to 16.
Also, run --probe, which may tell you more about the available devices:
> chuck --probe
Will do, thanks.
Also, when I run MiniAudicle (MacBook, 10.4.7), adding a shred containing access to the dac causes MiniAudicle to crash. I've tried numerous different settings in both the MiniAudicle preferences and in OS X's Audio MIDI settings.
There is a bug in the intel version of the miniAudicle that causes real-time audio to crash. I believe Spencer has fixed this issue and will release a new version today.
That's awesome! Thanks a lot... see you on forum, as well! (cebec)
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