Some things that would be nice to be able to do - now that we've started hacking things with new ulib_foo constructs... * capability to build ulib_foo functions that can treat the dur primitive type. * The handling of parameter input to ulib functions is severely flawed, including lack of type security across platforms and probably not 64-bit secured: the method for retrieving multiple parameters as done in the implementation of math.pow will break down if sizes of ints, floats and pointers start to differ; and should in any case be wrapped in some more robust handling way; for instances those actually present in C++ a priori. * You have several various memory leaks and similar problems; use of valgrind is advised. If these things are not possible due to not being harmonic with the ChucK way of thinking; please tell us what to do instead (instructions for building .ckx would be nice for instance... =) -- Mikael Johansson | To see the world in a grain of sand mikael@johanssons.org | And heaven in a wild flower http://www.mikael.johanssons.org | To hold infinity in the palm of your hand | And eternity for an hour