Hello there, Im new using chuck, since the last version was on 2005 i guess, i was wonderring if the project is still alive... im trilled about live coding.. then i found chuck and audicle... awesome... im starting to learn the language... btw My name is Tesso, im 28 years old, Java Programmer that lives on Brazil. if is someone there, i would like to hear about your experience with chuck, how far can we go on creating music with it? well honestly i dont understand that much of making music.. im not a musician... just a programmer.... thanks 4 your time!

Im new using chuck, since the last version was on 2005 i guess, i was wonderring if the project is still alive... im trilled about live coding.. then i found chuck and audicle... awesome... im starting to learn the language...
Welcome to ChucK! It is still in active use and development, as the last release was just in July: https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/pipermail/chuck/2008-July/000337.html The most active list for discussion (probably the best place to ask questions) is chuck-users, which you can find here: https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users There are also other lists and a web forum at electro-music (scroll down) that has a different focus: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/community/
if is someone there, i would like to hear about your experience with chuck, how far can we go on creating music with it? well honestly i dont understand that much of making music.. im not a musician... just a programmer....
Over a year ago I made a tutorial that uses the basic ChucK syntax in simple musical examples. It is out of date a bit, but it may help: http://mtg.upf.edu/~gcoleman/chuck/tutorial/tutorial.html
btw My name is Tesso, im 28 years old, Java Programmer that lives on Brazil.
Bem-vindo a nossa communidade! Graham
participants (2)
Graham Coleman
Tesso - Don't Panic!