There are 4 - 10/100 Ethernet interfaces and no Gigs ...
Portmap was running all the time as I always mount
some partitions through NFS.
Any other ideas ?
rm> hi,
rm> I wanted to know how many Macs(10/100 or gigs
rm> )are there on the board and which reference design are
rm> u talking about.Check out whether portmap is running
rm> on the target board.
rm> Ravi
rm> --- ravi modgekar
I'm trying to run/debug the L3 forwarding reference design on an Bridalveil board (with driver ver. 1.4). The ue.o,peth.o,octmac.o,rs_udebug and rtmapp files are from IXA Kit ver 2.01 (as the ue.o supplied with the ramdisk conflicts with the latest rtmapp supplied with SDK 2.01).
After starting the hardware debug from the ixp1200 developer workbench in about 5 seconds I either get a frozen bridalveil board
(" Get Microengine Status failed due to remote service timeout. ... To proceed, stop debugging and reboot the chip.")
and a frozen hub or an error from the board
"Bad descriptor fffffb00, dropping outgoing
hi, Can you give me the configuration of Bridalveil board.It may help me to analyse the problem. Ravi --- Istvan Matyasovszki
wrote: packet pethFreeDescriptor: Bad descriptor fffffb00"
and after a minute or so the board is frozen and the hub in which is plugged-in is frozen too.
Could you please give me an advice ? Has anybody a working example that uses the L3f reference design ?
Thank You -istvan
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