Hi Jagan, I will try to show "HOW TO CONFIGURE WINE for DevWorkbench" in more details: - in ./Wine/config file, you have a section starting [wine], and you need to add c:\\IXP1200\bin in the Path variable declared there, like [wine] "Windows"="C:\\WINNT" "Path"="C:\\WINNT; .... ;C:\\IXP1200\\bin" - you need to copy your IXP1200 directory from windows place to your fake_windows dir. - You also need to copy all the MFC*.dll and MSVC*.dll from your WINNT\system32 windows directory to your fake_windows/WINNT/ Notice: WINNT is if you have Win2000 or an NT version otherwise you might have Win or Windows. As we run in Linux, the capitals in names of files/dirs are important (write them right in Path). Check also the permissions of all files copied in fake_windows for user/group, too. Now you should be able run DevWorkbench ! - the last problem you might have is trying to compile a project in Workbench ! - at linking more specific! DevWorkbench uses registry settings in Windows to check if it runs in Demo (and if the period is still valid) or if it is registered. Therefore you need to import the registries of your windows installation (the one you have the DevWorkbench installed) into wine environment ! You can also do partially (only the sections related to Intel DevWorkbench). You need to run "regedit" in windows , to search for "Intel IXP1200" key and export (File->export menu) all the keys down from that branch position into a file (It will be a text file that you can read it). This file you can use for importing in wine environment (see FAQ - how to configure WINE at their web-site). Now you should be able to compile/link your Microengines project into an .uof file. Good luck ! Mihai