RE: [ixp1200] How to generate asm code from SDK

This warning should have no effect on the production of an .asm file. Of
course, if you had errors in your build, that is a different story.
Check your build directory for a file named

Hi, I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps. regards, Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University

did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default.
Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config
file u want to use as a parameter i.e.
ixstart <config file u want to use>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University

Nimit, Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before I ran ixstart. andrew On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University

Andrew..I am not sure if that is a good idea
because the original ixsys.config is also called
by one of the scripts. You should try the command
line param or change the ixstart IMHO
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before I ran ixstart.
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University

Hi, Sorry to disturb you. I came across your posting in the mailing list, I have the same problem as you with the l3fwd reference example, did you manage to solve it ? If yes could you please give me a hint ? Thanks a million in advance, -istvan APJ> Nimit, APJ> Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before APJ> I ran ixstart. APJ> andrew APJ> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
APJ> Andrew Putra Jauri APJ> College of Engineering and Computer Science APJ> Portland State University

Hi, I am trying to assemble my microcode for the IXP1200 microengines. I installed Wine from and did the setup. When I perform "make" in the LibixpRouter/ue/src/ (to assemble lipIPmm.uc to be precise) my make fails with an error that it cant find Vera/bin/uca. The exact error is ( /usr/bin/wine.bin: cannot find '/scratch/UDP_Vera/Vera/bin/uca') Actually there is no "uca" in the /Vera/bin . There is a uca.exe (which I presumed was the intended uca and renamed it to uca and tried a make and even now make fails with the same error , that it is still unable to find uca !) Also, I noticed at the start of make, ( after it says "-- preprocessing vrpIPmm --" there is a "find" for something which I am not sure makes much sense. It does a find for "find: /usr/bin/../lost+found" and returns with permission denied. Any clue of whats happening ? I would appreciate any pointers. Jagan.

Hi Jagan, I think the problem could be from .wine/config settings as PATH and/or registry (you need to get imported the DevWorkbench keys from Windows installation) Best regards, Mihai

Hi Mihai, Thanks for your email. I have difficulty in getting you. Could you please be more specific ? I see a Path variable in my .Wine/config which can be set to /floppy or /cdrom or "/home/vjagan/.wine/fake_windows". Wen I ran wine for the first time, I gave the "/home/vjagan/.wine/fake_windows" as the place to create the configuration directory. BTW what is "DevWorkbench keys" ? I really do not know what it is. VJ. On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Mihai Cristea wrote:
Hi Jagan,
I think the problem could be from .wine/config settings as PATH and/or registry (you need to get imported the DevWorkbench keys from Windows installation)
Best regards, Mihai

I also tried "manually" assembling one of the microcode (rcv.uv) by going into the Vera/bin/ directory itself,where uca..exe is present and then run the wine simulator with the parameters taken from a previously failed make. i.e I did /usr/bin/wine.bin -- uca -m /scratch/UDP_Vera/Vera/bin/uword.def -p /scratch/UDP_Vera/Vera/bin/ucc.def -P -I../../common/include -DUSE_REGALLOC -DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DBIG_ENDIAN=0 /scratch/UDP_Vera/Vera/Libixprouter/ue/src/rcv.uc ... And here I get an error saying that it was not able to read the rcv.uc file !!! ( But NO error for .def files strangely) I think I have not done something for my Wine simulator configuration. i.e it looks for /scratch/myVera/Vera/Libixprouter/ue/src/rcv.uc , probably "relative" to something and this fails. Should I do anything with my "locale" setting ? I added a path to xmessage by appending /usr/bin/X11/ to the path. Any idea is greatly appreciated. Jagan. On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Jagannathan Iyer Venkatesan wrote:
Hi Mihai,
Thanks for your email.
I have difficulty in getting you. Could you please be more specific ? I see a Path variable in my .Wine/config which can be set to /floppy or /cdrom or "/home/vjagan/.wine/fake_windows". Wen I ran wine for the first time, I gave the "/home/vjagan/.wine/fake_windows" as the place to create the configuration directory.
BTW what is "DevWorkbench keys" ? I really do not know what it is.
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Mihai Cristea wrote:
Hi Jagan,
I think the problem could be from .wine/config settings as PATH and/or registry (you need to get imported the DevWorkbench keys from Windows installation)
Best regards, Mihai

Hi Jagan, I will try to show "HOW TO CONFIGURE WINE for DevWorkbench" in more details: - in ./Wine/config file, you have a section starting [wine], and you need to add c:\\IXP1200\bin in the Path variable declared there, like [wine] "Windows"="C:\\WINNT" "Path"="C:\\WINNT; .... ;C:\\IXP1200\\bin" - you need to copy your IXP1200 directory from windows place to your fake_windows dir. - You also need to copy all the MFC*.dll and MSVC*.dll from your WINNT\system32 windows directory to your fake_windows/WINNT/ Notice: WINNT is if you have Win2000 or an NT version otherwise you might have Win or Windows. As we run in Linux, the capitals in names of files/dirs are important (write them right in Path). Check also the permissions of all files copied in fake_windows for user/group, too. Now you should be able run DevWorkbench ! - the last problem you might have is trying to compile a project in Workbench ! - at linking more specific! DevWorkbench uses registry settings in Windows to check if it runs in Demo (and if the period is still valid) or if it is registered. Therefore you need to import the registries of your windows installation (the one you have the DevWorkbench installed) into wine environment ! You can also do partially (only the sections related to Intel DevWorkbench). You need to run "regedit" in windows , to search for "Intel IXP1200" key and export (File->export menu) all the keys down from that branch position into a file (It will be a text file that you can read it). This file you can use for importing in wine environment (see FAQ - how to configure WINE at their web-site). Now you should be able to compile/link your Microengines project into an .uof file. Good luck ! Mihai

Hi, I am also facing a similar problem. I renamed the ixsys.config-l3fwdr file as ixsys.config and ran ixstart. I saw 17 interfaces being created even though there were only 4 ethernet ports on the ENP-2505. Is there a way in which the physical ethernel ports can be bound to the created interfaces ? If there is no way to bind, how can the interfaces (eth1,eth2,...) be mapped to the actual physical ports ? Kamesh. Istvan Matyasovszki wrote:
Sorry to disturb you. I came across your posting in the mailing list, I have the same problem as you with the l3fwd reference example, did you manage to solve it ? If yes could you please give me a hint ?
Thanks a million in advance, -istvan
APJ> Nimit,
APJ> Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before APJ> I ran ixstart.
APJ> andrew
APJ> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
APJ> Andrew Putra Jauri APJ> College of Engineering and Computer Science APJ> Portland State University

Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea
since the original file is also needed. You can
comment out the extra interfaces in the file
"ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have
have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
Hi, I am also facing a similar problem. I renamed the ixsys.config-l3fwdr file as ixsys.config and ran ixstart. I saw 17 interfaces being created even though there were only 4 ethernet ports on the ENP-2505. Is there a way in which the physical ethernel ports can be bound to the created interfaces ? If there is no way to bind, how can the interfaces (eth1,eth2,...) be mapped to the actual physical ports ? Kamesh.
Istvan Matyasovszki wrote:
Sorry to disturb you. I came across your posting in the mailing list, I have the same problem as you with the l3fwd reference example, did you manage to solve it ? If yes could you please give me a hint ?
Thanks a million in advance, -istvan
APJ> Nimit,
APJ> Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before APJ> I ran ixstart.
APJ> andrew
APJ> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
APJ> Andrew Putra Jauri APJ> College of Engineering and Computer Science APJ> Portland State University

Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh. Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:51 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I am also facing a similar problem. I renamed the ixsys.config-l3fwdr file as ixsys.config and ran ixstart. I saw 17 interfaces being created even though there were only 4 ethernet ports on the ENP-2505. Is there a way in which the physical ethernel ports can be bound to the created interfaces ? If there is no way to bind, how can the interfaces (eth1,eth2,...) be mapped to the actual physical ports ? Kamesh.
Istvan Matyasovszki wrote:
Sorry to disturb you. I came across your posting in the mailing list, I have the same problem as you with the l3fwd reference example, did you manage to solve it ? If yes could you please give me a hint ?
Thanks a million in advance, -istvan
APJ> Nimit,
APJ> Yes, I already rename it to ixsys.config before APJ> I ran ixstart.
APJ> andrew
APJ> On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Andrew.. did u change ixstart? it calls ixsys.config by default. Alternatively, u can provide the name of the config file u want to use as a parameter i.e. ixstart <config file u want to use>
HTH, -Nimit
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Putra Jauri"
To: Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 8:58 PM Subject: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi,
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
APJ> Andrew Putra Jauri APJ> College of Engineering and Computer Science APJ> Portland State University

Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing
table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check
those out...(I am assuming u r trying to ping from the host
to the ENP's port)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.

Hi, I have the configuration described below ENP-2505 eth1 connected to the subnet through a hub. I am trying to ping a host from the ENP-2505 and also the ENP-2505 from the host . I am unable to do either . Although as I have said earlier there seems to be a lot of link level activity going on. Thanks, Kamesh. Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check those out...(I am assuming u r trying to ping from the host to the ENP's port) -N
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:57 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.

Try running "tcpdump" on the host and confirm
if the ping packet is actually reaching it. If it is, then you have
a wrong route entry in the host's RT. If it is not, then
- try not using the hub
- double check all the connections/ports to and from the hub
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
Hi, I have the configuration described below ENP-2505 eth1 connected to the subnet through a hub. I am trying to ping a host from the ENP-2505 and also the ENP-2505 from the host . I am unable to do either . Although as I have said earlier there seems to be a lot of link level activity going on. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check those out...(I am assuming u r trying to ping from the host to the ENP's port) -N
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:57 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.

Try rebooting the machine.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
[mailto:owner-ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU] On Behalf Of Nimit S Sawhney
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 1:47 AM
To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr
Try running "tcpdump" on the host and confirm
if the ping packet is actually reaching it. If it is, then you have a
wrong route entry in the host's RT. If it is not, then
- try not using the hub
- double check all the connections/ports to and from the hub
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
Hi, I have the configuration described below ENP-2505 eth1 connected to the subnet through a hub. I am trying to ping a host from the ENP-2505 and also
the ENP-2505 from the host . I am unable to do either . Although as I have said earlier there seems to be a lot of link level activity going on. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check those out...(I
am assuming u r trying to ping from the host to the ENP's port) -N
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:57 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out
the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking
away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.

Hi there- You mention a great deal of link level activity. Have you done a TCP dump? I had my ENP-2505 hooked up to a 10 Mbps hub which was causing all sorts of issues, including a packet flood to be issued from the card whenever I tried to start up a uACE. Make sure all interfaces are 100 Mbps and see if that helps... Half of working with this stuff appears to be guess and learn... Cy On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 10:28, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, I have the configuration described below ENP-2505 eth1 connected to the subnet through a hub. I am trying to ping a host from the ENP-2505 and also the ENP-2505 from the host . I am unable to do either . Although as I have said earlier there seems to be a lot of link level activity going on. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check those out...(I am assuming u r trying to ping from the host to the ENP's port) -N
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:57 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.

Hi, This is what I observe if I do a tcpdump. Cyrus Hall wrote:
Hi there-
You mention a great deal of link level activity. Have you done a TCP dump? I had my ENP-2505 hooked up to a 10 Mbps hub which was causing all sorts of issues, including a packet flood to be issued from the card whenever I tried to start up a uACE. Make sure all interfaces are 100 Mbps and see if that helps...
Half of working with this stuff appears to be guess and learn...
On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 10:28, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, I have the configuration described below ENP-2505 eth1 connected to the subnet through a hub. I am trying to ping a host from the ENP-2505 and also the ENP-2505 from the host . I am unable to do either . Although as I have said earlier there seems to be a lot of link level activity going on. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Not being able to ping could be due to incorrect routing table entries on the host linux end. You might want to check those out...(I am assuming u r trying to ping from the host to the ENP's port) -N
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kameswara Avasarala"
To: Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:57 AM Subject: Re: [ixp1200] l3fwdr Hi, I invoked ixstart with ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr as the parameter. I could see that all the ace's and microaces are being loaded. The number of interfaces created was 1 since I commented out the extra entries in the config files, still I am unable to ping. However I see a lot of activity from the ethernet port. The led on the hub to which the ENP-2505 ethernet port is connected is blinking away furiously. Thanks, Kamesh.
Nimit S Sawhney wrote:
Renaming to ixsys.config is not a good idea since the original file is also needed. You can comment out the extra interfaces in the file "ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr" since you have have only 4 ports on your ENP2505.
16:40:42.784181 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784186 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784199 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784215 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784217 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784220 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 16:40:42.784222 0:0:0:0:0:0 1:80:c2:0:0:1 8808 60: 0001 0f01 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Hi Kameswara, I guess you have already tried to connect the PC port to the IXP port without going thro' the hub as Cyrus suggested. Just to rule out any autonegotiation problems betweem 10/100 hub and IXP port. So is ping running when you captured that tcpdump output? Also, what are the interface addresses of the IXP port and the PC port in your setup? -- abhijeet On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, This is what I observe if I do a tcpdump.
Cyrus Hall wrote:
Hi there-
You mention a great deal of link level activity. Have you done a TCP dump? I had my ENP-2505 hooked up to a 10 Mbps hub which was causing all sorts of issues, including a packet flood to be issued from the card whenever I tried to start up a uACE. Make sure all interfaces are 100 Mbps and see if that helps...

Hi, Ping was not running. In fact the PC kind of hangs ie mouse pointer disappears etc when I connnect. I am able to see the output only after I disconnect. Configuration: Ethernet port 1 of ENP-2505 is connected back-to-back to the eth1 of the host PC ( PC in which the card is plugged in) through a crossover cable. The IP address of the IXP port is and the IP address of the PC port is . Also is there any option is the ixsys.config file through which I can specify the rate ? Thanks, Kamesh. Abhijeet Joglekar wrote:
Hi Kameswara,
I guess you have already tried to connect the PC port to the IXP port without going thro' the hub as Cyrus suggested. Just to rule out any autonegotiation problems betweem 10/100 hub and IXP port.
So is ping running when you captured that tcpdump output? Also, what are the interface addresses of the IXP port and the PC port in your setup?
-- abhijeet
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, This is what I observe if I do a tcpdump.
Cyrus Hall wrote:
Hi there-
You mention a great deal of link level activity. Have you done a TCP dump? I had my ENP-2505 hooked up to a 10 Mbps hub which was causing all sorts of issues, including a packet flood to be issued from the card whenever I tried to start up a uACE. Make sure all interfaces are 100 Mbps and see if that helps...

Kamesh, Sorry, couldnt get back earlier. In general, it is very difficult to figure out remotely what the problem with your set up could be. For example, it could be a simple misconfiguration in your startup files or something as crazy as a bad ethernet port on the card or the PC (although it is unlikely). Can you describe in more detail your complete hardware and software setup? What is the output on your console when you fire up your ixstart script? Do all ACES start up properly? Is anything printed on the IXP console when you ping or connect the port to the PC? Try turning on debugging in ingress/egress ACEs to see if they report any activity on the connected port. (Makefile has debug defines) What do you mean below by "PC hangs when I connect" ? Basically, explain in detail, maybe somebody on this list can help. -- abhijeet On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, Ping was not running. In fact the PC kind of hangs ie mouse pointer disappears etc when I connnect. I am able to see the output only after I disconnect.
Configuration: Ethernet port 1 of ENP-2505 is connected back-to-back to the eth1 of the host PC ( PC in which the card is plugged in) through a crossover cable. The IP address of the IXP port is and the IP address of the PC port is .
Also is there any option is the ixsys.config file through which I can specify the rate ? Thanks, Kamesh.

Hi Abijjet, Here it goes. The host is a PC running RedHat 7.2 . The ENP-2505 card is in one of the PCI slots of the PC. The OS on the ENP-2505 is linux. There is no Window NT machine. We are using the .uof file that come precompiled along with the SDK CD. When the script ixstart is run, no errors are reported. The ports 0 and 1 are attached to microengine 5 ( found this out after adding trace statements in resource manager files). When I do a lsmod the stackAce is shown as initializing. By "PC is hanging" I mean that I am unable to do any activity. The mouse pointer disappears, keyboard freezes etc. I think this is because of the FULL_DUPLEX option in port configuration in the octmac.c file. I changed it to HALF_DUPLEX and I no longer see the problem. When I do a ping I get the trace message "Ring to microengine full" after sometime. I am guessing that the microcode that de-queues messages from the ring is not running or not loaded on the micro engine. I hope I have given enough info. Thanks, Kamesh. Abhijeet Joglekar wrote:
Sorry, couldnt get back earlier.
In general, it is very difficult to figure out remotely what the problem with your set up could be. For example, it could be a simple misconfiguration in your startup files or something as crazy as a bad ethernet port on the card or the PC (although it is unlikely).
Can you describe in more detail your complete hardware and software setup? What is the output on your console when you fire up your ixstart script? Do all ACES start up properly? Is anything printed on the IXP console when you ping or connect the port to the PC? Try turning on debugging in ingress/egress ACEs to see if they report any activity on the connected port. (Makefile has debug defines)
What do you mean below by "PC hangs when I connect" ?
Basically, explain in detail, maybe somebody on this list can help.
-- abhijeet
On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Kameswara Avasarala wrote:
Hi, Ping was not running. In fact the PC kind of hangs ie mouse pointer disappears etc when I connnect. I am able to see the output only after I disconnect.
Configuration: Ethernet port 1 of ENP-2505 is connected back-to-back to the eth1 of the host PC ( PC in which the card is plugged in) through a crossover cable. The IP address of the IXP port is and the IP address of the PC port is .
Also is there any option is the ixsys.config file through which I can specify the rate ? Thanks, Kamesh.

By "PC is hanging" I mean that I am unable to do any activity. The mouse pointer disappears, keyboard freezes etc. I think this is because of the FULL_DUPLEX option in port configuration in the octmac.c file. I changed it to HALF_DUPLEX and I no longer see the problem.
That could be because maybe your PC network card is configured to or can do only Half duplex. Anyway, you can ignore that for now since things are fine.
When I do a ping I get the trace message "Ring to microengine full" after sometime. I am guessing that the microcode that de-queues messages from the ring is not running or not loaded on the micro engine.
So I am assuming you are doing a ping from the IXP to the host. Try the other way, from host to IXP. Run tcpdump on the host interface, also turn on debugging everywhere (ingress, egress, l3, RM) and see how far the arp packet sent by the host goes. Next, statically add the Mac address of the IXP port on the host and then see how far the ICMP echo request goes on the IXP. good luck debugging :)

Andrew, Is your l3fwdr application set up okay by now? The ixconfig program, l3config and stackconfig all use the ixsys.config file (or ixsys.config-sys.l3fwdr), as long as you pass the correct file to all programs, it should work fine. The possible places to check are 1) what you pass to ixstart as an argument 2) in your ixsys file, the two "sh" commands which invoke stackconfig and l3config apps. Have you tried running the Count application? If not, you could try that first, if that works, you know that the rest of your setup (end-nodes) and switches are setup correctly and packets are coming into the IXP. If packets are indeed coming into the IXP, then try enabling debugging in ingress ACE to see whats happening with the packet when it comes in. Also, try with mode=0 (no workbench) in the config file. -- abhijeet On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Andrew Putra Jauri wrote:
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
participants (10)
Abhijeet Joglekar
Andrew Putra Jauri
Cyrus Hall
Heaton, Eric D
Istvan Matyasovszki
Jagannathan Iyer Venkatesan
Jimmy Brian Christanthio
Kameswara Avasarala
Mihai Cristea
Nimit S Sawhney