Andrew, Is your l3fwdr application set up okay by now? The ixconfig program, l3config and stackconfig all use the ixsys.config file (or ixsys.config-sys.l3fwdr), as long as you pass the correct file to all programs, it should work fine. The possible places to check are 1) what you pass to ixstart as an argument 2) in your ixsys file, the two "sh" commands which invoke stackconfig and l3config apps. Have you tried running the Count application? If not, you could try that first, if that works, you know that the rest of your setup (end-nodes) and switches are setup correctly and packets are coming into the IXP. If packets are indeed coming into the IXP, then try enabling debugging in ingress ACE to see whats happening with the packet when it comes in. Also, try with mode=0 (no workbench) in the config file. -- abhijeet On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Andrew Putra Jauri wrote:
I've tried to setup the ixp1200 card to do l3fwdr by using the example config file ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr. I also modified the file since the card has only 4 10/100 ports. I modified route.config-sys-l3fwdr file to add a default gw. Everything was loaded fine when I run ixstart, however I wasn't able to ping other hosts in the same subnet and the other way around. I also tried to add the arp table entry manually but it still didn't work. Could someone help me? I'll be glad to provide you the config files if that helps.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University