Hello All, We are pleased to announce the release of NePSim 1.0, the first open source integrated infrastructure for analyzing and optimizing Network Processor design and power dissipation at architecture-level. NePSim contains a cycle-accurate simulator for a typical NP architecture (Intel's IXP1200), an automatic verification framework for testing and validation, and a power estimation model for measuring the power consumption of the simulated NP. Four typical benchmark applications (ipfwdr, nat, url, md4) are included in the package. A paper on NePSim is going to appear in the coming IEEE Micro Special Issue on Network Processors for Future High-End Systems and Applications, Sept/Oct 2004. You are welcome to download NePSim from http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~yluo/nepsim/ We have set up a mailing list at https://www.cs.ucr.edu/mailman/listinfo/nepsim You can use the above mailing list, NOT this ixp1200 mailing list, to ask questions, report bugs and get more information. Thanks. Best Regards, Yan Luo -- yluo@cs.ucr.edu Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California Riverside, CA 92521, USA http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~yluo