Question about packet generation program

I have analyzed and modified PktGen application of VERA project. But I am something confused. In that program, packet is actually transferred? I think that header information of simple packet which is made at PktGen application is not enough. Namely, IP address is just and MAC address is just 00:00:00:01. If I want to transfer packet to real system(ex. another linux PC), I would change these adresses? Plz give me answer or any hints. Thanks!

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, ���ؿ� wrote:
The packets generated by PktGen will appear on the wire. However, if you want a standard system to receive them, you need to modify the destination IP and Ethernet addresses to match the receiving system. Zuki -- Yitzchak Gottlieb zuki@CS.Princeton.EDU

Thank you for you answer, Gottlieb. I have one more question. You said that "The packets generated by PktGen will appear on the wire." So how can you check appearing packet on the wire? By using network tool like tcpdump? or any other tool? Please give me anser, thanks.
participants (2)
Yitzchak M. Gottlieb