Prakash Murali will present his FPO "Enabling Practical Quantum Computation: Compiler and Architecture Techniques for Bridging the Algorithms-to-Devices Resource Gap" on Friday, October 15, 2021 at 2PM via Zoom. Zoom link: < ource=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw0-s50q8TMhlZ6oB6v73fzs> The members of his committee are as follows: Margaret Martonosi (Adviser, Reader, Examiner); Readers: Kyle Jamieson and Fred Chong (University of Chicago); Examiners: Andrew Houck (Princeton EE), Nathalie de Leon (Princeton EE) A copy of his thesis is available upon request. Please email if you would like a copy of the thesis. Everyone is invited to attend his talk. Abstract follows below: Quantum computing (QC) is poised to fundamentally change what is computable in several domains. From the first 1- and 2-qubit systems in the early 2000s, today's QC hardware landscape includes cloud-accessible systems with 10-50 qubits and multiple qubit technology candidates. In spite of rapid hardware progress, the first practically useful QC applications have not been demonstrated yet, even though hundreds of QC algorithms have been developed in the last three decades. This is fundamentally because of a large gap between the resource requirements of QC applications and the capabilities of quantum hardware that is buildable in the near-term; qubit counts and operational noise constraints of applications exceed hardware capabilities by 5-6 orders of magnitude. This dissertation seeks to close the resource gap between quantum algorithms and hardware by developing quantum architecture and compilation techniques. Unlike related research efforts which largely focus on designing individual layers in the QC execution stack in isolation, this dissertation develops a cross-cutting approach to guide the design of the QC stack. Using this approach, Part I of this dissertation develops noise-adaptive compilation and crosstalk mitigation techniques that offer one to two orders of magnitude improvement in application fidelity compared to vendor compilers. Part II presents an extensive cross-platform architectural study of real QC systems and applies the cross-cutting design approach to architect trapped ion systems and tackle fundamental issues in quantum instruction set design. Part II offers up to four orders of magnitude improvement in reliability for future QC devices. These contributions have already influenced industry toolflows and architectures, with many vendors adopting noise-adaptive compilation, and adjusting their architecture and benchmarking practices in line with this dissertation's recommendations. This dissertation shows that cross-cutting design offers several orders of magnitude improvement in fidelity for QC systems, compared to existing approaches. Going forward, the research contributions and directions laid out in this dissertation have the potential to accelerate the progress towards practically viable QC by several years, rather than relying solely on hardware or application improvements.